In Your FACE! – IOTW Report

In Your FACE!



Have you ever been b!tchslapped by a seal, with an octopus?

h/t Really Enraged.

18 Comments on In Your FACE!

  1. Maybe Mr Seal just wanted to be a friend and was offering the kayaker a meal.

    Remember this remarkable Nat Geo story from a few years ago:

    “While documenting leopard seals in Antarctica for a 2006 National Geographic magazine story, photographer Paul Nicklen had an experience that he says “will stay with me forever” ….

    “Not only did the leopard seals not attack as some predicted they would, they fed me penguins, followed me around, and generally put on a nonstop show.”

    In the video above, Nicklen explained how an encounter with one particular female leopard seal was especially poignant. The animal had a head larger than a grizzly bear’s, and it took his camera and his head into its mouth.

    But instead of harming him, the seal began to “nurture” him. It began to bring him penguins, first alive, then dead, perhaps assuming that he was a “useless predator in her ocean.” ” .

    No, No. Not for me. The water would have turned brown.


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