Income Inequality in Wall Street Speeches – IOTW Report

Income Inequality in Wall Street Speeches

Patriot Retort: Income inequality has once again reared its ugly head.

Quick! Get Elizabeth Warren on the phone!

No, wait. Maybe she isn’t the best person given her own proclivity to pay women less than men.

A Wall Street conference run by Cantor Fitzgerald will be paying $400,000 to some guy with a severe stuttering problem.

That’s almost double what Hillary Clinton pocketed for speaking on Wall Street.  MORE

9 Comments on Income Inequality in Wall Street Speeches

  1. I love his speech when he spoke about visiting 57 states, with two to go, and the kid who needed a breathalyzer or an inhalator instead of a hospital bed. It’s out there.LMAO

  2. Cantor Fitzgerald lost a lot of people on 9/11/01. I wonder why they would want to hear this POS speak. Unless, of course, the company has been taken over by a lot of Michael FitsPatricks and Patrick Fitsmichaels, and other GayLicks.

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