Incoming House Judiciary Committee chairman formally accuses FBI of meddling in last four elections – IOTW Report

Incoming House Judiciary Committee chairman formally accuses FBI of meddling in last four elections

Don’t forget the CIA!
But I repeat myself.

“It’d be nice if the FBI and the Justice Department just stayed out of” elections, Rep. Jim Jordan says.

“When is the FBI gonna quit interfering with elections?” Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, asked a news conference laying out the GOP’s investigative priorities next year. “2016, they spied on President Trump’s campaign. 2018, it was the Mueller investigation. 2020, they suppressed information about the Hunter Biden story. 2022, they raided the President’s home 91 days before an election.

23 Comments on Incoming House Judiciary Committee chairman formally accuses FBI of meddling in last four elections

  1. And there you have it….Jim Jordan solidifies his lead for the ‘Tray Gowdy’ award for the most pointed, accurate and truthful accusation of BLAH, BLAH, BLAH where nothing will ever happen and he does all of this with a better haircut but no suit coat…..troubling happenstance….

  2. Come on Willy, Troy Gowdy would have fainted on stage before he would have made such an accusation. Everyone on that committee is an attorney. Except Jordan. Lot’s a peeps bad mouthing the guy. Let see what happens now he has some authority.

  3. Brad….I have nothing but hope but we have all seen this act many times before….and then the cameras go off and they all share a piece of our cheesecake til it’s gone and we don’t get any cheesecake, ever….

  4. Hopefully he gets more done than just yelling at people. We need indictments, legislation to curb their power, budget cuts to the point they have be pared down to a skeleton crew.

  5. The Bureau’s been around since Teddy Roosevelt was President – and they’ve been corrupt since Teddy Roosevelt was President – they’re going nowhere.
    While one or two brave Representatives (and/or Senators) will try to limit the damage, our GESTAPO is too firmly entrenched. For example: they perjured themselves (in sworn, written affidavits) before a FISA “judge” without ANY repercussions! Consider the magnitude of that! (don’t try this at home, kids)
    They’ve protected Revrum Al for decades! Regardless that he’s a tax cheat, a liar, and a traitor. Strong arm, provocation, perjury, deceit, boldly lying to Congress, murder, sedition, and out-and-out Treason!

    Shame ain’t gonna work on these maggots – these Traitors – these Thugs.
    And it’ll be GOPe who undermines Jordan – I’ll take bets on that.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Season 3 of the heralded shit show begins, this season’s title is the “Untouchables”.

    Will the US Finally realize the fullness of Corruption at the DOJ, FBI, ATF, NSA and the CIA? Or will the Protected Traitorous Government Weasels wriggles out once again?

    Stay tuned for long, drawn-out, evasive and outright lies of this season’s testimony.

  7. Of course! Those able to “connect the dots’ knew this was why Bush put Gruppenfuhrer Robert Mueller in charge 21 years ago.

    But the UNIPARTY ( led by , among others, GWB) has protected the FBI for over a decade. And with Mitch “re-elected” no one FBI agent will suffer!

  8. @chuckie November 17, 2022 at 11:57 pm

    > don’t give up until you’re dead…..stop surrendering before you’re beaten….GIVE THE MAN A CHANCE FIRST…..

    A chance. For what? Hope? Of a sternly worded letter?

    What. Will. He. Do? If given a chance to “succeed”?

    Explain, how hitting all the marks, of a mince across the stage, that by. design. will change nothing, is not surrender?

  9. @Anonymous November 18, 2022 at 2:29 am

    > Till heads roll, it’s just GOP bullshit.

    Heads “rolling” is feel good (now throw your new, replacement wallets) show. Nothing but.

    When the corrupt, hire the corrupt, to promote the most corrupt, by design — only boxcars to the “camps”, for all, flushes out the stable.

  10. wally. WRONG!

    Trey not only lied he actually 3 TIMES INTERVENED TO PROTECT GWB”S girl Lerner.

    Jordan will not intervene to protect Bush’s folk at FBI.

    Lefty Trey was, and still is, BUSH REPUBLICAN!

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