Incoming Rep. Lauren Boebert(R-CO3) has officially announced she will object to the Electoral College results on January 6th – IOTW Report

Incoming Rep. Lauren Boebert(R-CO3) has officially announced she will object to the Electoral College results on January 6th


Guided by the US Constitution and my responsibility to my constituents, I will object to the Electoral College results on January 6th.


8 Comments on Incoming Rep. Lauren Boebert(R-CO3) has officially announced she will object to the Electoral College results on January 6th

  1. I cannot tell you how happy I am that she is from my state (Colorado), even if others who are / were elected cannot follow your stated principles.
    Please be active. Participate in your state elections. Get people on the ballot who believe as you do. Then, get them elected. I hope we can get more like her in place. That is the only hope we have to the Pelosi / Schumer / Biden / Kamalaka Ding-Dong / Soros’s of the world

  2. The Establishment Republicans hate Trump almost as much as the Democrats do, because he’s willing to call them out on their cowardice, stupidity, and complicity, and they want him gone so that the status quo can return.

    This is especially true of the Senators. I like Paul and Cruz, but Paul is only maybe possibly leaning towards hinting about challenging the electors, and Cruz hasn’t said a damn thing about it. (I suspect he may still be smarting over 2016.) I used to like Mike Lee, and that fucker just sold out American workers for a bunch of foreign imports, God only knows why — but you can be damn sure he’s not going to fight for Trump. Murkowski, Collins, Romney, McConnell — those fuckers have either already surrendered, or are actually probably in on the steal. And Lindsey Graham will go whichever way the momentum is going, and then will act as if he was leading the charge all along, regardless of the outcome.

    What few actual conservatives there are in Washington seem to be concentrated in the House, but without considerable Senate support, their cause is lost. It’s probably lost either way, because the Establishment has spoken: it’s gotten the result it wants and it’s not interested at looking into how that result was actually obtained, whether at the state level, through the courts, or through the House and Senate.


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