Incompetent Senate Dems Humiliate Themselves – IOTW Report

Incompetent Senate Dems Humiliate Themselves

Western Journal: Senate Democrats are so dazed and confused that they voted to pass two completely contradictory rules that canceled each other out.

The left-wing circus erupted Wednesday when Democratic senators were trying to decide if Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois could continue as their whip (the No. 2 spot in the party’s caucus) while also assuming the top spot on the Senate Judiciary Committee after California’s Dianne Feinstein stepped down. more here

8 Comments on Incompetent Senate Dems Humiliate Themselves

  1. is it any wonder that these clowns are so easily bought by the Chinese?

    … they bring a new definition to ‘Chinese Junk’ …. ‘junk’. as in ‘garbage’

  2. Article:

    Laughably, they later blamed flawed ballots for the inane outcome.

    Let the irony sink in: Democrats used flawed ballots during an intraparty vote that tainted and nullified the outcome? You don’t say!

    Yep, the dems blamed flawed ballots and not their own stupidity.

    They are so stupid that they didn’t realize that they were confessing to not being smart enough to recognize their ballot had a glaring flaw.

  3. They plot, plan and subvert to the ultimate extreme! There is one small caveat, however: they don’t have the intelligence or foresight to pull it off. (re: Pelosi, Durban, Nadler, Schiff, Cliburn, Swalwell, Schumer, Cuomo (both), the staff at CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC), that fucking retard black “impeach forty-five” female rep in California whose name escapes me at the moment, liberal/progressive governors of progressive states, Antifa, Hollywood bints and horses asses along with brain-dead Rino Republicans.
    I reserve the right to add to this list later.
    All are welcome to contribute.

  4. According to the vote counters, the first rule passed 648 to 10 and the second rule was trailing, but eventually passed after 10,000 yea votes were found in the Senate cloak room. Despite these anomolies, 165% of Democrat senators believed the vote was fair and unbiased.


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