Incredible footage shows folks trapped by wall of water inside Miami store – IOTW Report

Incredible footage shows folks trapped by wall of water inside Miami store

Astounding video of presumably store owners trapped inside a Miami business as a wall of water surrounded them is sweeping the Internet.

The video was taken from inside an unnamed business as the store was surrounded by floodwaters from Hurricane Irma, making it into a human fishbowl.

SNIP: This video made me clench up.

8 Comments on Incredible footage shows folks trapped by wall of water inside Miami store

  1. Does the door have a plastic or glass barrier holding the water back, there at the outer wall?

    The water doesn’t actually appear to be touching the doors. Especially as he pans to other doors/windows.

  2. Reminds me of a scene in the first season of The Walking Dead with Rick and Andrea.
    The dead were banging on the store doors.

    Andrea was concerned that taking a piece of jewelry for her sister was looting.
    Rick: “I don’t think those rules apply anymore.”

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