Incredible moment at Curtis Sliwa press conference – IOTW Report

Incredible moment at Curtis Sliwa press conference

Right in the feels.

“We need more compassion in politics, and we need to listen to each other more That’s how we improve. Yesterday, I was holding a press conference by Penn Station when it was interrupted by a young man dealing with mental/emotional issues Here was my response:

21 Comments on Incredible moment at Curtis Sliwa press conference

  1. There ya go NY. You couldn’t ask for a better man to be your mayor. I’m not from there but I have seen Sliwa standing up for ordinary folks in that city for decades.

    Hell just recently he was wading into the massive looting taking place somewhere in NY.

  2. @ 🤡🌎 AUGUST 29, 2021 AT 10:10 AM

    I refer to it as the compassion industrial complex and it is insidious. If people would stop conceding good intentions to individuals and groups that have a track record of unequivocal failure to deliver on what they promise this bullshit would end.

    One of the biggest problems is the phony baloney nonprofits that both the Democrats and establishment Republicans set up and fund with our tax dollars that serve as their farm clubs. Their in efficiency is legendary, but it is more than eclipsed by their corruption of the mission they purport to exist to address.

  3. Bayouwulf August 29, 2021 at 10:08 am

    My heart aches for this man and the many homeless, abused, neglected and marginalized people. So sad.

    How can he be fixed? How can any of these homeless people be fixed? How can we fix these people enough to function in society? Our healthcare system is broken. TPTB are into population control and the dregs of society is included in that depopulation. The treasury has been raided, they keep printing money, and we all know what’s going to happen with the spending of money we don’t have.

    I can’t help but think that this man was used for their own political agenda. Of course we all should be more compassionate, but what happens when that compassion you’ve shown ends up getting you murdered, robbed and beaten? Ever visit a homeless camp? We’ve seen pictures of them. Who wants to get involved in improving homeless people’s lives. There’s advocates out there for them – but they enrich their own pockets while pulling their scams.

    If the homeless were as resourceful in their everyday living and staying alive, they can certainly funnel some of that ingenuity into getting a job and being a part of society. Some don’t have the mental capacity to do that, and there’s no money to take care of these people. Heck, they opened up the prison doors and let thugs out. Compassion? where’s the compassion for the public’s safety?

  4. ^^^ “What happened to the half billion dollars”

    it is over 800 million US dollars
    that’s not george floyd dollars
    that’s real US taxpayers dollars

    also- not talking money here:
    ‘There, but for fortune, go you and I’

  5. Sorry to be cynical, but it seems more like a photo op to me. Not that a politician would lie or or anything.
    From Wikipedia:
    “He is the founder and chief executive officer of the Guardian Angels, a nonprofit organization of unarmed crime prevention.”
    Still wants your guns.
    “In 1992, Sliwa admitted that he and the Guardian Angels faked heroic subway rescues for publicity. He also admitted to having claimed falsely that three off-duty transit police officers had kidnapped him.”
    “130 cities and 13 countries worldwide”
    From Charity Navigator, a score of 31 out of 100.

  6. Thanx Julie. I was quoting a song, actually. And I think I got that a bit wrong, too. It maybe should have been ‘you or I’.
    But I also know where fortune is found.
    We might have different quotes, but our sentiments appear to be similar.

  7. I believe that the government is not the direct answer. I have worked with and donated to a group in Denver (StepDenver) Yes that was a shameless plug.

    Ray Hayworth founded Step 13. Bob Cote was one of the original residents.
    They recognized the real problem was the rampant abuse of alcohol and drugs among the community. Just giving these people food, water, and temporary shelter is NOT the solution. For these reasons, they take no money from the government, and thier program works, and I have seen the results.
    The system they set up gave housing to those who were willing to get off the street. They have 4 basic tenets: Sobriety, Work, Accountability and Community
    to paraphrase Ronald Reagan, Governmrnt isn’t the solution, it is the problem.

  8. Kudos to you @billyhall2546. That is a good start. the next is to get them through the problems that have them on the street (drugs and alcohol, which is somewhere between 75 – 905%). Special prize if you do all this without government money so you don’t have to follow their rules.

  9. Complete opposite of DeBlasio.
    The good feelings leftists closed down mental hospitals, good and bad, instead of fixing problems and there’s no place to permanently house these people.

  10. The main reason we cannot adequately address the homeless problem in this country is the ACLU. Every single time a politician tries to get these people the help they need (i.e. mental health services), the ACLU threatens lawsuits. City councils fold like a cheap card table because many cannot afford the court costs to defend. But they will spend millions to clean up the fallout from homelessness. ACLU must be destroyed to save our country.


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