Independent Audit Group Says Hundreds of Provisional Ballots from Republicans Remain Uncounted – IOTW Report

Independent Audit Group Says Hundreds of Provisional Ballots from Republicans Remain Uncounted

The Arizona Sun Times

We the People AZ Alliance (WPAA), a leading election integrity group in Arizona, has been looking into ballots that were not counted in Arizona’s 2022 election. Co-founder Shelby Busch issued a video last week revealing that the group found hundreds of instances involving people who said they voted for Abe Hamadeh but their ballots were not counted – more than the 280 votes he lost the attorney general’s race by. However, Busch told The Arizona Sun Times that the courts refuse to consider the new evidence.

Busch said in the video, “Abe Hamadeh won the attorney general’s race. I’m going to outline for you the evidence behind how Kris Mayes was installed as the illegitimate attorney general. … Our evidence in Abe’s case shows that thousands of Arizona voters were disenfranchised on Election Day in violation of the 1993 National Voter Registration Act, and Katie Hobbs, the secretary of state and the counties know about these voters and have done nothing to correct it.”

She said what is different about Hamadeh’s election challenge compared to most others is he is asking judges to count votes from disenfranchised voters, not throw votes out. The latter causes complaints about disenfranchising voters, so judges are hesitant to comply. more

17 Comments on Independent Audit Group Says Hundreds of Provisional Ballots from Republicans Remain Uncounted

  1. Unless and until someone goes to jail over the 2020 and 2022 cheating, we will see a repeat of this shit in 2024 and every election after. Corrupt judges won’t sue us. We have only one option remaining.

  2. Seems to me, AZ and Georgia suffer from the exact same problem. A handful of lying cheating Libtard POSs ran as conservatives, got elected and now are trying to destroy the state and the nation. By definition Globalist Scum are Libtards too. (RINOs). I also read today where the Globalist Donors have run out of candidates so their pooling their money creating attack adds on our guy. And the Dems are in lock step behind them. Go figre.

  3. PUBLIC EXECUTIONS of those responsible for 2020 and 2022, televised so ALL can see, may be the ONLY MEANS of preventing further abuse. Anything less, and the criminals will know they can get away with murder.

  4. Every one here’s hounds are barking up the wrong tree. Not a Goddamned bit of any of this bold faced ELECTION THEFT would have been possible without establishment Republican INVOLVMENT. I can say that it was apparent to me since watching as the Bellevue Boys Club helped the Pierce/King/Snohomish Democrat machine steal the Washington gubernatorial election in 2004.

    Yes the Party that openly worships the one who is a liar, a murder and a thief has no compunction lying, murdering and cheating and thinks it is cute, smart and funny when they get caught. It is funny to them simply because they know their dear, dear friends across the aisle have their back.

    It is a game to them and they get off every time they pull this stunt and get away with it. The Republican establishment is just as much a party to this charade as are the Democrats. They play the “opposition” like it is a part scripted for them… because it was and still is. Anyone who doesn’t recognize that Paul Ryan was working with Nancy Pelosi, and was just as involved in orchestrating what went down in 2020 doesn’t want to admit it. Fact of the matter is the slimy little rodent’s fingerprints were all over it, to the degree or even more so than were Pelosi’s.

    Until this is recognized and dealt with the situation is hopeless.

  5. “Every one here’s hounds are barking up the wrong tree. Not a Goddamned bit of any of this bold faced ELECTION THEFT would have been possible without establishment Republican INVOLVMENT”

    You, need to re read my shit.And other peeps.


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