KFI: Some builders in India were working on a construction site when they stumbled upon something they were certain wasn’t from this planet. They filmed the strange creatures and most people who watched the clip were certain they were looking at aliens. However, that’s not at all the case. Watch
11 Comments on India: Builders mistake Barn Owls for aliens
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If they didn’t say”take me to your leader,” they’re not aliens.
Good way to test your ticker if you’re not expecting them.😨
Whoo dat say whoo dat when I say whoo dat?
@Anonymous November 16, 2019 at 2:10 pm
> If they didn’t say”take me to your leader,” they’re not aliens.
If they didn’t say “take me to your leader,” they’re not legal aliens.
They make pretty strange noises too!
There’s an old story about aliens landing at two different places on earth. First landing near a small village in India. The villagers quickly fetch the village elders to consult the ancient documents to determine the best way to worship the visitors.
The aliens leave India and fly to China, where they again land near a small village. Again the villagers quickly fetch the village elders to consult the ancient documents to determine the best way to cook them.
But they escaped from China and flew to Chicago, where the villagers consulted elders about the best way to jack them and steal their spaceship…
“ALL HAIL JAY!”…https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=men+in+black+all+hail+jay&view=detail&mid=64086E6500726A7F75E164086E6500726A7F75E1&FORM=VIRE
Dang if there wasn’t two of them i would have thougt that was me at three o clock being an old man leaving the bathroom.
@ willysgoatgruff – the Moses-look-a-like guy at 1:37 looks a lot like Adam Schiff, and his sacred impeachment days quest. (or at least an ancestor). Ya can’t escape the eyes.
https://youtu.be/A9sd10CHAP8?t=95 .
when I was 12 yrs old I was visiting my uncles farm when my cousin and I saw a large barn owl hovering over the top of a silo chute. we climbed to the top of the chute and were amazed as we watched the giant bird only a few feet above our heads looking down on us. as we were climbing back down we decided to open one of the doors going into
the silo and were stunned to see two large owl nest with three large adults and five or six baby owls all standing around. when I got down I ran into their house where my parents were visiting and my mother let me take her camera back up into the silo to take some pictures. she still has them in an album some 50 yrs later.