India declares most populated state officially COVID free after widespread use of Ivermectin – IOTW Report

India declares most populated state officially COVID free after widespread use of Ivermectin

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 4:26 PM PT – Saturday, October 2, 2021

While the mainstream media condemns the use of ivermectin, the most populated state in India just declared they are officially COVID free after promoting widespread use of the safe, proven medicine. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more.

10 Comments on India declares most populated state officially COVID free after widespread use of Ivermectin

  1. FDA response to this story:

    There’s no proof that horse paste does any good for humans, in fact it will only do harm because of ingredients that are made only for horses, so c’mon ya’ll get with the science and take a gene modifying therapy shot instead that’s designed to kill not only you, but horses too because it’s better, we said so.

  2. I’ve shared before that my husband has cancer and we now know he had cancer when we all had covid.

    He’s taking chemo now along with non-FDA alternative treatments that he doesn’t share with his doctors because he doesn’t know if they would be pro or con.

    He has/had a mild cold, stuffy nose and sore throat. Because he’s on chemo we wanted to kick it in the butt quickly, so we upped the vitamin c, zinc, vitamin D and instead of once a week Ivermectin, he’s doing it daily. One day and the next morning the sore throat was gone, mild cough gone. After second day of treatment he woke up with no stuffy nose, just a little runny nose.

    So apparently Ivermectin works on any coronavirus.

  3. @Old Racist White Woman
    “So apparently Ivermectin works on any coronavirus.”
    If the news gets out the ivermectin beats all coronavirus’ then the cold remedy industry is DEAD! Big pharma can’t have that….
    I pray your husband gets well soon.

  4. Anon,
    And your point is? Besides the one on top of your head? We’re not drinking our water from the Ganges.

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