India: Man says metal cup removed from anus was put there by muggers – IOTW Report

India: Man says metal cup removed from anus was put there by muggers

Metro UK: A man who had a metal cup stuffed up his bottom for ten days claims it was put there by muggers.

Security guard Ramdin, 62, said he was robbed of the £545 he had made selling his motorbike.

Doctors said he was knocked out during the attack and woke up with severe abdominal pain.

Ten days later he came to hospital and a scan revealed he had a steel cup lodged inside him.

Surgeons at Rama Hospital in Kanpur city of Uttar Pradesh state in India had to operate on the man’s anus to remove it.  more

Warning— Pictures at the link.

27 Comments on India: Man says metal cup removed from anus was put there by muggers

  1. I had a guy working part time for me who was also a paramedic. He responded to a robbery victim at a Pizza Hut whose hands were tied over his head to the fire suppression system, the guy’s pants were down around his ankles and he had a giant rubber spatula had been greased up and shoved up his ass.

  2. Had a Surgeon Friend that had to slice a Guy open and squeeze out a

    Cucumber from the inside….All that College and Med School

    and He was hung with the moniker

    “Salad Shooter”

    (Boston Emergency ER)

  3. This raghead probably waltzes through TSA screenings. If I have so much as a staple in my travel docs the klaxons go off and it’s off for another deep cavity probe.

  4. Buggers!, they’re called BUGGERS! not muggers.
    and that sir is why your area on the world is called a SHITHOLE! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    British vulgar slang
    plural noun: buggers

    used as a term of abuse, especially for a man.
    used as a term of affection or respect, typically grudgingly.
    “all right, let the little buggers come in”
    a person who penetrate the anus of someone during sexual intercourse.

    3rd person present: buggers

    penetrate the anus of (someone) during sexual intercourse; sodomize.

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