India: Muslims plotted to poison food offered in Hindu temple – IOTW Report

India: Muslims plotted to poison food offered in Hindu temple

Jihad Watch:

Jihad poisoning plots are not new. Al-Qaeda has long considered the contamination of food as a jihad mass murder tactic. And in 2017, the Islamic State called on Muslims to poison food in Western supermarkets

And it has happened at least twice in Britain:

UK: Shop-owners sold chocolate cake sprinkled with human feces

UK: Muslim who sprayed food with feces and urine can’t be deported


Food jihad? Muslim woman puts needles in meat in Canada

We also know that jihadis have long wanted to poison the water supply. As far back as 2002, the feds arrested two jihadis who were carrying plans about how to poison water supplies. In 2003, al-Qaeda threatened to poison water supplies in Western countries. In 2011, a jihadi in Spain likewise planned to poison water supplies. read more

9 Comments on India: Muslims plotted to poison food offered in Hindu temple

  1. India +1.3 Billion People.

    Pakistan 205 Million.

    I don’t understand why they don’t loose their shit and crush them once and for all. I ask this to all my Indian friends and they tell me that, “their culture is inherently forgiving and peaceful.” unlike that other “religion of peace”

  2. Other than trying to not buy any kind of food product from any place that is Muslim owned or has Muslim workers, what can be done about it?

    There’s no legal remedy, other than maybe a few minor prosecutions after the fact, that I can see.

  3. …this is nothing new. During Operation Enduring Freedom, the United States dropped “culturally neutral” Humanitarian Daily Rations in Taliban-controlled areas as part of a “Hearts and Minds” campaign. The Bush administration did do a stupid thing with this, in that HDRs at the time were more or less the same color as the cluster bomb that we were dropping at the time, and they were dropping them in approximately the same area, so a kid would run up to get dinner and get a fragmentation antipersonnel device instead. (They’ve since changed the bag color).

    That said, the Taliban was not unaware of this, so not ONLY did they claim it was American perdify and not Bushian stupidity in play, but they ALSO collected rations, poisoned them, and returned them for the kiddies to find…and then blamed Americans for THAT, too.

    …NO tactic is too low or cowardly for Muslims. From the time they took Mecca by the deception of the Hijrah (which is what they are doing to US today, BTW), to the time they flung plauge-infected corpses into Christian cities, to modern day plots with dirty bombs and anthrax, Muslims will use any means they think will kill random people for their purposes, except for standing up, putting on uniform, and fighting OTHER warriors like MEN.

    THIS they will NOT do. Everything ELSE is fair game, to them, and they WILL pull this crap for as long as a suffering world allows them to exist…


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