India: Muslims rape 16-year-old Hindu girl, who begs them “Please leave me for your Allah’s sake” – IOTW Report

India: Muslims rape 16-year-old Hindu girl, who begs them “Please leave me for your Allah’s sake”

Jihad Watch:

[…] The girl had gone to cut grass near the Eidgah (open-air gathering place used for Muslim festival of Eid) of a neighboring village, when the 3 Muslim men abducted her and took her to an isolated spot where they raped her one by one. They also shot a video of the incident and uploaded it on social media. After raping her, the accused also threatened to kill the girl. more

SNIP: The Daily Mail has video of the villagers beating one of the rapists.

15 Comments on India: Muslims rape 16-year-old Hindu girl, who begs them “Please leave me for your Allah’s sake”

  1. When your wives can’t have orgasms because their clitori were cut out when they were 14, ya gotta rape just so you can get some kind of reaction from your victim. Sheep and goats just bleat, and your wives yawn.

  2. Too bad none of the villagers had a sharp knife. If villagers would casterate these bastards there would be a lot fewer cases of real rape. The villagers need to form a parents protective association where all the men carry knives all the time.

  3. It’s time to bring Fat Man and Little Boy out of mothballs and pay a visit to Mecca. They took care of business with Japan. It’s time to TCB Moslems.

    By the way, did you know that Moslems have infiltrated all levels of government in the United States? You did? OK, just checking.

  4. Since 9/11 I’ve said it and I never will stop saying it: Mecca, Medina and the Dome of the Rock + 100 kiloton low altitude air bursts = Islam ceases to exist as a faith within a month, unless it becomes a religion worshipping craters of radioactive glass.

  5. Grool: please do not advocate the nuking of the site of the Jewish temple. The muslims have been trying for centuries to steal that site with their accursed mosque.

    It is not in the demon-inspired koran so it is not one of their unholy sites. Bulldoze it and rebuild the Temple is the correct course.

    Mecca and Medina vaporized is the ultimate denial and invalidation of their false death cult so that is what we need to do to break islam.

  6. I didn’t read the “rest of the story” link but I did watch the beating just for laughs (after the brave pit story, I needed some), and I don’t think it was near enough to death ………… the beating.
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne

  7. Braden Lynch
    SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 AT 8:30 PM
    “Grool: please do not advocate the nuking of the site of the Jewish temple. The muslims have been trying for centuries to steal that site with their accursed mosque.

    It is not in the demon-inspired koran so it is not one of their unholy sites.”

    …absolute truth. Mohammad just tells of a journey to Al-Aqsa, translated as “Furthest Mosque”, where he leapt into heaven to converse with a!!ah, but doesn’t name or describe the place. The mosque next to the Moslim abomination currently disfiguring the area just uses that as a name. The mosque was built by Umayyad caliph Al Walid (The Umayyads were themselves controversial in Islam because they sometimes had blue eyes and blonde hair due to being the result of being the issue of Moslem-raped captives, but that’s a different issue), because he wanted to get in on the Hajj trade, but no one had any reason to go to Jerusalem until he had a Disney-like inspiration. “Hey, Muslims like rocks! What if I take this chipped rock, build a BIG display pavilion over it, and come up with a cool story to sell it to the hajji trade?” And, thus was the Dome of the Rock born.

    The story isn’t even consistent about the chip, said variously depending on the storyteller to have been caused by Mo either stepping his ladder to heaven on it or his horse chipping it with a hoof when leaping into heaven with the pedophile on horseback, but either way it was the foundational story for the Moslem version of Six Flags over Mohammad’s Dead Ass, Jerusalem Edition, and it’s been the basis to their shakey claim on the area ever since, only breifly disturbed by Godfrey de Bouillon in the First (DEFENSIVE) Crusade and a few days of unpleasantness with modern Israel in the ’60s, but otherwise used to dominate the space on one side of the Western wall of the former Herodian temple, while those of Jewish faith occupy the other side.

    The wall was left to shelter Roman troops charged with the mop-up after the otherwise utter destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, in fulfillment of Christian Scriptures although I am sure that was not the Roman intention, and the foul bonbon currently disfiguring the site is just there to make it a flashpoint for the fulfillment of the Scripture of Revelation, but that’s a different story for another day that the Bible ALREADY tells MUCH better than I can…

    …anyhow, @Braden Lynch, let not your heart be troubled, the resolution of these matters will not come from Man, and the course of affairs WILL be ordered according to the Lord in His good time, to the dismay of Muslims and their facilitators EVERYWHERE, current Democrats NOT excepted…

    …God bless,


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