India: Riot at iPhone manufacturing plant – IOTW Report

India: Riot at iPhone manufacturing plant

People who work, expect to be paid.

15 Comments on India: Riot at iPhone manufacturing plant

  1. …From the story…

    “Senior police officers along with additional personnel from the Kolar district have been rushed to the scene”

    …I’m not sure what they hope to achieve with “Senior Police Officers”.

    Not sure how it works in India, but in the States the Chief/Commisioner in pretty much ANY public service capaticty in a big city department (and India doesn’t have any other kind) is very much a political animal who’s there because he knows someone, has something on someone, or is someone’s brother-in-law, and so isn’t particulary knowledgeable or useful in the job. (in the States that person would also likely be Black, a chick, gay, or all three because, Affirmative Action matters more than anything else, and incompetent because there simply aren’t that many who have come up in the ranks long enough to have actually learned anything before being promoted to meet AA “Goals”, but probably not so much in India).

    At best, even in more bucolic departments, this person will be there on the Peter Principle, having risen fully to the level of his incompetence, and fully dependant on the folks below him knowing what to do because managing people is a bit beyond him.

    So either way, I fail to see how this would be an asset.

  2. …and don’t think I’m just knocking cops. It’s pretty much ALL Public Serivce, as I’ve said.

    …we used to have a saying about how to put out a fire, based on the fire tetrahedron, making it a fire pentagon.


    -Remove the heat
    -Remove the oxygen
    -Remove the fuel
    -Remove the chemical chain reaction
    -Remove the Chief from the scene

  3. …the Chief, G od B less him, sometimes doesn’t have timely information, or relies on this or that lieutenant too much, or has trouble hearing what guys yelling into microphones inside crackling structure fires through Darth Vader helmets and isn’t always in the best of position to make a time-critical decision even with the BEST of intentions, but you ARE expected to follow his orders unless they’re illegal or Death will result (yours or someone else’s). That’s why sometimes the BEST, most efficient way to get things done is if you can get things handled BEFORE he comes rolling up, or get him to go check the staging area, talk to the press, or really anything to get him off the lines long enough to put a little wet on red before the media has a REAL video to show on the 1100 news…

  4. ..but to have them ACTUALLY involved in fighting a FIRE? …maybe not so much…

    I would guess it’s the same for the Police, as they have the same sort of paramilitary structure and the same sort of relationship to commmand. One of our Police officers here like Conservative Cowgirl can correct me if I’m wrong, but based on what I heard from OUR cops, I’m not very FAR off the mark…

  5. Apple Chief Homo Tim Cook: From an infant’s first breath until his very last gurgle, our goal is to have an iPhone there to capture it all. Now get back to work, Indian sub-natives.

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