Indian Families Say Their Men Are Being Tricked into Fighting for Russia in Ukraine – IOTW Report

Indian Families Say Their Men Are Being Tricked into Fighting for Russia in Ukraine


The families of several Indian citizens tricked into fighting for Russia on the front lines in Ukraine have asked the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to bring their missing sons and husbands home safely.

The Indian opposition slammed Modi for remaining silent on the issue and for creating an economy that would drive so many desperate workers to accept dodgy offers of employment in places such as Russia.

At least 20 Indian citizens have reportedly fallen prey to a scam that offered to fly them to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for lucrative employment. The victims boarded their flights as directed, but found themselves landing in Russia, where they were strong-armed into joining the Russian military to fight in Ukraine. more

8 Comments on Indian Families Say Their Men Are Being Tricked into Fighting for Russia in Ukraine

  1. This sounds and smells like a Ukrainian planted Alexandre Vindman operation, or his Ukrainian brothers shy Ballerina Pics sent as bait.

    That’s how twisted those nazis roll.

    You thought kraut porn was weird
    Ukrainians taught them

  2. Can you too predict what sophmoric formulations and checkerboard coverages msNBC will have on this AM?

    Joe the Baptist and his Wife Mika will start the preaching here shortly

    Keep a Record of which parish participants Say What


  3. Did you just see that on msNBC Joe?

    Psst: The Golem Carville from Swamp Retirement Cabin will be on AM Joe msNBC for some edumacatin the stoopid folk


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