Indian Hindus ask gods to help Trump – IOTW Report

Indian Hindus ask gods to help Trump

SLTrib: New Delhi • Donald Trump may find it tough to get Republican leaders behind his campaign, but he’s got some faraway fans trying to get the gods on his side.


Around a dozen members of a right-wing Indian Hindu group lit a ritual fire and chanted mantras Wednesday asking the Hindu gods to help Trump win the U.S. presidential election.

While Trump has dominated the Republican primary race to decide the party’s candidate for the November election, his calls for temporarily banning Muslims from America and cracking down on extremist groups abroad have earned him some fans in India.  more

h/t Rob

9 Comments on Indian Hindus ask gods to help Trump

  1. “right-wing Indian Hindu group”

    “Hindu Sena nationalist party”

    Near as I can tell, they are sick of muslim predation. They could be Commies in every other way, for all we know. But god forbid the word gets out that revulsion at islam crosses all party lines.

    Reminds me of the old cold war days when the most reactionary, dyed in the wool communists were called “conservative hard-liners” by western journobs

  2. Why are the people who don’t want to give in to dictatorship style govt. and mass genocide by another group always called “right-wing” as if it’s some kind epithet?

  3. Third Twin – I should have read all of yours, before posting mine.

    Just like the Hitler followers were/are called right-wing – when in fact they were totalitarian/socialist left-wing. The same kind of people made up of the liberals/progressives (left-wing) of today.

  4. *sigh*

    Left Wing – Republicans
    Right Wing – Monarchists

    Bolsheviks – Rabid Left Wing Communists
    Mensheviks – Less-Rabid Left Wing Communists

    National Socialists – Right Wing
    Everybody Else – Reactionaries

    Republicans – Socialists
    Falangists – Rightists

    Left Wing – Rabid Socialists/Communists
    Right Wing – Less-Rabid Socialists
    Demonrat – Rabid Totalitarians
    Republican – Less-Rabid Totalitarians
    Constitutionalists – Insane Reactionary Wacko Birds
    Americans – Nationalistic Jingoistic Wacko Birds
    Moslem – Moderate izlamists who materially support Jihadis
    Jihadis – Rabid izlamists

    Control the Language – Control the Narrative

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. The Catholic Vote:

    Brian Burch, the President of “Catholic” to which I subscribe, came out with a memo a few weeks ago encouraging members not to vote for Donald Trump in the Indiana Primary.
    I did not agree, as did many other Catholics.
    Brian,being a fair and decent man had “Catholic Vote” take a poll.
    18,000 responded to the poll. Here are the results:

    I’ll Hold my Nose and Vote for TRUMP: 40 %

    I’ll support TRUMP. 21%

    I’ll Wait and See: 29%

    I’ll Vote Third Party: 6%

    I’ll Leave the Ballot Blank: 4%

    Now if all these doubters vote as my Mother used to vote, Trump has 90% of the Catholic Vote.

    PS Support Brian Brusch, Catholic I do. You can disagree without being exterminated, or excommunicated,or whatever it is they do these days

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