Indian Students Accuse Ukraine of Holding Them Hostage as Bargaining Chips – IOTW Report

Indian Students Accuse Ukraine of Holding Them Hostage as Bargaining Chips


The Ukrainian government is reportedly preventing Indian citizens from leaving the Ukraine in a bid to force the Indian government to support its side in the Ukraine–Russia conflict, according to

Several videos of students and others claiming to be stuck in Ukraine and used as “hostage population/bargaining chips” have been posted to Twitter, with some claiming to have been “kicked” and “dragged” by Ukrainian officials.

The alleged actions taken by Ukrainian officials appear to be a response to India’s abstention from a US-sponsored United Nations Security Council resolution deploring Russian “aggression.”

The Indian ambassador to the United Nations explained on Twitter that India abstained because “dialogue is the only answer to settling differences and disputes.” read more

9 Comments on Indian Students Accuse Ukraine of Holding Them Hostage as Bargaining Chips

  1. Those students from the India need boots on the ground to rescue them.

    It’s our moral duty, right?

    Won’t we lose our national soul if we don’t rescue those students from the India?

    What kind of boot licking anti Americans are you if all you do is put a flag from the India in your bio?

    You either love your country or you want those kidz from the India to die.

    See how this bullshit works?

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