Indiana intruduces bill: Hire Illegals, Lose Your Business License – IOTW Report

Indiana intruduces bill: Hire Illegals, Lose Your Business License


UFP: A new bill introduced in the Indiana General Assembly on Thursday could finally mark the beginning of responsible, citizen-first labor policies in the United States. While the federal government consistently chooses to defy the will and the interests of the people, state governments in many ways still maintain the ability to act on our behalf, if they choose to do so.

The legislation, Senate Bill 285, would be among the strictest in the nation, allowing judges to strip employers of their business licenses upon a third violation of knowingly hiring an illegal alien, already a violation of federal immigration law. MORE

11 Comments on Indiana intruduces bill: Hire Illegals, Lose Your Business License

  1. Good for Mike Pence. He has balls.
    This is what I call a good start to make the illegals get the hell out of our good state.

    Don’t get me wrong; Hoosiers are know for their hospitality…
    But don’t fuck with us, either.

  2. This is a great concept, but as a business owner, let me tell you that it’s hard to keep from getting caught between the law and lawyers. By that, I mean there is so much that you cannot ask nowadays that you could, years ago. In my line of work, I know the people who work for me, but if I was hiring people en-masse, I’d use e-verify, 100% of the time.

    The other problem is even with the best system, a lot of illegals use documents belonging to friends and relatives who are legal. Photo I.D.? People change a lot over the 10 year span of a passport, over the lifetime of a green card or from the time they got citizenship papers. And some people just look very similar to family members.

    On balance, this is yet ANOTHER case of the US not needing new laws. We just need to enforce those already on the books. Look at the 1986 Immigration law, and there are some very strong laws against hiring illegals. Like gun laws, they are just not enforced. So… the states are going to enforce the law.

    Next up, Loretta Lynch’s Department of Just Us will sue Indiana over the law. I mean, otherwise, how can illegals vote for Dem-0-cRATS in a state where they cannot live and work?

  3. Not optimistic about this in the 0bama era, Iv’e got some friends in Indianapolis & South Bend who told me about this.
    Indiana passed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act in March of 2015 which was supposed to “allow individuals and companies to assert that their exercise of religion has been, or is likely to be, substantially burdened as a defense in legal proceedings”. In other words it was supposed to prevent Christian bakers from getting dragooned into baking a cake for a homosexual “wedding” or getting fined by the government, among other things.

    Last spring numerous companies (Apple, Subaru, Angie’s List etc) threatened to boycott the entire state if they didn’t amend the law. There was the usual manufactured media outrage, douchebags like Cuomo prohibited state officials from traveling to IN, plus more idiotic protests. So the government caved. Since H1B Visas and hiring “immigrants” is favored by the 0bamanites and their corporate allies this could end up the same as RFRA did last year.

  4. If this concept catches on,
    maybe it’ll put Congress and the Supreme Court out of business for letting the Kenyan screwup tear down all that was good in 7 short years.

  5. Anonymous,

    the majority of us don’t give a fuck.
    We are a solid red state, and the fact that we have a very conservative Gov, as well as solid super-majorites in both state houses speaks volumes of what the majority of people in Indiana want. we really don’t care what the minority is bitching about.

  6. yes we are a very red state, and I consider us, in some ways, a projection of the south up into the liberal north since we are surrounded by IL, OH and MI.

    Yet don’t remind me that Indiana actually went to 0bama in 2008.

  7. Until the law passes and is allowed in the following Supreme Court ruling in “Federal gov’t -v- Indiana”, and is then implemented and enforced at the state level, it is utterly meaningless.
    Ol Abe made sure of that.

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