Indiana Launches Portal to Report Obscene School Material – IOTW Report

Indiana Launches Portal to Report Obscene School Material

In an effort to protect children from groomers, revolutionaries, and perverts seeking to indoctrinate them with obscene and illegal material, Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita quietly launched a new “Eyes on Education” portal for parents and citizens to upload objectionable content from schools. The education establishment, along with groomers and perverts in government schools, are freaking out. 

7 Comments on Indiana Launches Portal to Report Obscene School Material

  1. More importantly, what are the consequences of promoting Obscene School Material???
    Lemme guess… none!

    It’s one thing to report, it’s quite another to actually DO something about it, and we all know in this day and age these mental misfits of chaos will start screaming Racist, Bigot, Misogynist and every other derogatory invective they can dream up!


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