Indiana Legislature enacts transgender ban for girls’ sports, overriding governor’s veto – IOTW Report

Indiana Legislature enacts transgender ban for girls’ sports, overriding governor’s veto

Just The News: Republican lawmakers in the Indiana Legislature banned biological males from playing on girls’ sports teams, overriding a veto by Republican Gov. Eric Holcomb.

The vote makes Indiana the most recent state to pass legislation banning biological males who identify as women from participating in sports that do not align with their gender assigned at birth.

Holcomb, who is serving his second term and must retire in 2024, vetoed the bill in March, arguing that it would be challenged in court and questioning whether it solved any pressing matters. 

The bill “implies that the goals of consistency and fairness in competitive female sports are not currently being met,” the governor said at the time. “After thorough review, I find no evidence to support either claim even if I support the overall goal.”

Following the override vote, the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana announced it had filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of a 10-year-old biological male who identifies as a girl and plays on the school’s girls’ softball team.  read more

8 Comments on Indiana Legislature enacts transgender ban for girls’ sports, overriding governor’s veto

  1. The IN governor is on the “China-friendly” list. He also found time to attend the meeting of globalist elites in Davos this year. Now it seems he wants to run for national office again which, God willing, will put an end to his miserable career.

  2. Good. Punk-a$$ Holcomb. Pence wannabe. I’m sorry I voted for him. The alternative, however, was even worse. Thank goodness we have legislators with their moral compass pointed in the right direction.

  3. @TommyBoy in IN May 26, 2022 at 12:10 pm

    > Thank goodness we have legislators with their moral compass pointed in the right direction.

    Feminism. Sodomy. Child “sacrifice”. First star on the left. And straight on, to eternal darkness.

  4. I am hereby declaring that I will no longer partake in “stupid.” This includes recognizing that males are males and females are females, and that allowing people to choose various made-up genders is complete nonsense.

    Good on you, Indiana legislature, for recognizing stupid and also refusing to partake.

  5. Holcomb: Gutless, spineless, worthless Piece of Shit.

    If a man isn’t courageous enough to face reality and speak a truth, he has no reason to exist.

    A fukkin PC spinning weathervane would make a better governor.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I hope this completely wrecks Holcomb’s political career. He only vetoed it as a bow to the faggots because he wants to run for POTUS one day. Fuck you Holcomb, you worthless, soulless piece of politicking dog shit.

  7. I have said it on this fine site a couple of times. I never trusted Holcomb. My home state of Indiana elected this clown. A decision that a majority of Hoosiers soon had the opportunity to regret. Mostly during the “pandemic”. The asshole was on the radio & television every day. You could just tell by his voice that he was hard behind the podium, lording over the peasants, while he was dreaming of higher office. Going to Davos is NOT a good look for a supposed “man of the people” this jackass often claims to be.

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