Indiana: Muslim Man Walks Into Goodwill & Orders Woman To Convert To Islam. When The Woman Refuses… – IOTW Report

Indiana: Muslim Man Walks Into Goodwill & Orders Woman To Convert To Islam. When The Woman Refuses…

Shoebat: A Muslim man in Indiana walked into a Goodwill there and tried to get a woman, an employee, to convert to Islam. When the woman expressed that she had no wishes to convert to Islam, the Muslim went into a rage. Another woman stepped in, but the Muslim grabbed her by the throat and began beating her. He also charged at an officer in a rage, but was soon tasered. As we read from one report:

One man is facing charges after he struck an officer for attempting to restrain him following a commotion in Muncie.

It happened just before 2 p.m. Saturday inside a Goodwill store when officers were responding to a call for a fight.

Upon arrival, officials found 24-year-old Khalid Bilal confronting store employees.  MORE

h/t MG

34 Comments on Indiana: Muslim Man Walks Into Goodwill & Orders Woman To Convert To Islam. When The Woman Refuses…

  1. Is it wrong for me to hope the victims were liberals that think there’s nothing wrong with flooding the country with his kind?

    The woman stepping in with a soft voice to calm him down? Betting $100 she is one of those. A denier of reality.

  2. I had a terrible nightmare last night that I was abducted by ISIS. I wear a small gold cross on a necklace and I knew I was done for. Muslim women surrounded me like hungry animals and were gleefully telling me all that would be done to me. It was a terrifying dream and so realistic that when I finally opened my eyes and saw my Kindle lying next to me in bed, I whispered “Thank you, God! Thank you God” over and over again.

  3. I like a male threesome. Me, Mr Smith, and Mr Wesson. I carry because there are too many crazy people out there. I will defend and protect myself and/or my family, first, and others second.

  4. All kidding aside, this should be a wake-up call for Christian based companies like Goodwill, Salvation Army, and many others. This was not happenstance in my opinion.

    “And if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one!”

  5. @AA, about 10 years back I had a dream I walked into a church. But I had a weird feeling like there was something very wrong. A guy in the back row turned around to look at me. He was a normal looking person until he started hissing at me. Then everyone turned into snakes.

    I woke immediately and kept thanking God just like you did.

  6. I know an 82-year-old lady who carries at church. I don’t think she asks permission–she just does it. Carries everywhere she goes, practices regularly at the gun range. She’s one granny you wouldn’t wanna mess with.

  7. Tired Mom,
    The wife’s Catholic, so that’s what we attend. Our local foothill church has adopted a don’t ask don’t tell policy. Which tells me they know they are a potential target. Funny thing is I know most of the parishioners, there’s more guns in that church on Sunday than any gun shop.

  8. @Claudia — Wow, that’s a terrible dream, too! I was so relieved I think I even shed a few tears. It was that real.

    Another thing I didn’t write was that I had to ask myself if I would die for Jesus or deny my faith. I hope this wasn’t prophetic — yikes! I’m going with BB’s advice.

    @BB — Our minister carries and we have at least one young cop who probably does but I’m sure there are many others who do, too.

  9. I don’t carry, but I do like to break bones, it’s more in your face and personal. And if I need something to use as a weapon, well, everything and anything close by becomes a weapon. It’s all about situational awareness. To know where you are at all times. It will save your life. 🤙👍

  10. @ AA

    DH carries even to Mass. He is hyper alert to his surroundings and cajoles me when I don’t see something that is out of the ordinary. So I picked up being more aware even in “safe” places.

    I learned to be very aware of people from young on, because of growing up in my mom’s store. My dad used the Italian word for “eyes” when someone came in who was a stranger to our neighborhood store.

    Even so, I had a switchblade put up to my throat by a punk in our store when I was minding it. My angel and the punk’s friend made him put the knife down.

    I also wear a gold cross daily since about 1995. I also still wear my Trump broach. I also pray I, nor any loved ones, nor anyone, for that matter, ever deny Christ.

  11. Phucker should have been beat into a permanent coma.

    The idea of concealed carry is just that, make sure
    they have no clue that you may or may not be carrying,
    make them worry about it.

  12. @PJ: “P.s. I didn’t think something like that would happen in Muncie.”
    Just like he did with the illegal immigrant children, Obozo spread the refugees all over the U.S. without a paper trail, so location later would be difficult/impossible. Many went to willing sanctuary cities like Portland, but many more went to “Red” counties and cities, as his way of sticking it to us.

  13. @BB — It’s been a while but I was an expert marksman with a long gun, the M16, and my family always owned hunting guns (rifles, shotguns) that I used. A hand gun is very different and I’ve never owned own — not because I don’t like them but because, except for the past few years, I’ve never felt the need of one. But now I do. I have used a friends plinker for target fun. Thanks for your kind offer.

  14. For over a thousand years they married their cousins/relatives to keep all their wealth/control in their family/tribe. Due to this they
    have a BIG problem with schizophrenia
    and other violent mental disorders.
    Combine this with their cult whose book of rules demands attacking non muslims and you have crap like this
    happening continuously.

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