Indiana: South Bend Mayor Peter Buttigieg (D) Wants to Eliminate Private Health Insurance, Says He Doesn’t Understand Why It’s Required – IOTW Report

Indiana: South Bend Mayor Peter Buttigieg (D) Wants to Eliminate Private Health Insurance, Says He Doesn’t Understand Why It’s Required

WFB: South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Peter Buttigieg (D.) on Sunday said that he supports Medicare for all and doesn’t understand why private insurance is required in our healthcare system.

Buttigieg, a 2020 presidential candidate, appeared on ABC’s “This Week” to discuss various issues, including healthcare. Host George Stephanopoulos mentioned how Sen. Kamala Harris (D., Calif.), who recently announced she was running for president, supports Medicare for all and then asked Buttigieg whether she was right when she said that the system would do away with private insurance

“I don’t see why it requires that. After all, if the framework we’re using is Medicare, a lot of people who have Medicare also have Medicare supplements, Medicare advantage, something like that. There can be a role for the private sector,” Buttigieg said.

“You’re for a single-payer system, aren’t you?” Stephanopoulos asked.

“I think so. I think that’s the right place for us to head as a country and we can debate the finer points of how to get there,” Buttigieg said. “I studied in the U.K. where there is not only single payer, but nationalized medicine which we’re not calling for even there. There is a role for the private sector. I just don’t believe that leaving Americans to the tender mercies of corporations is the best way to organize the health sector in this country.

Stephanopoulos followed up to clarify whether a single-payer system would replace private health insurance, prompting him to respond, “Yes.” He said that if Democrats want to make Medicare available for everybody this is the best system to accomplish this goal.

“How are you going to sell that when President Obama didn’t get rid of all private health insurance? He said, ‘if you like what you had you could keep it.’ He was scorched by those who couldn’t keep their plans. … How could you possibly sell that in this country today?” Stephanopoulos asked.  more


SNIP: Come on! He’s running for president with a name like Peter Buttigieg?

17 Comments on Indiana: South Bend Mayor Peter Buttigieg (D) Wants to Eliminate Private Health Insurance, Says He Doesn’t Understand Why It’s Required

  1. Why is anything required? Apart, of course, from the freedoms so profoundly enumerated in our Bill of Rights.

    These people really have zero clue about the impact this would have on the medical profession. Doctors, nurses, etc. would quit in droves.

  2. “Medicare for all” will end up costing more than private insurance and restricting the services available through rationing of one method or another (like putting older people so far down on the waiting list they will most likely die before getting taken care of, the way it is done in the UK.).

    Something may need to be done to improve our current system, but it most certainly isn’t “Medicare for all” as is currently being promoted.

    IMO, YMMV.

  3. You don’t understand why because you’re a shallow thinking ass kisser who knows he has some of the best health coverage out there provided by the people who you would like to deny the same to.

  4. He does more than kiss ass. He’s a turd compactor.
    And that is relevant, it speaks to non compos mentis, even if the Fake News Media want to portray that as so brave. I heard him speak, he is very full of himself.
    He surely thinks everyone deserves to have a gerbil plucked from their rectum in the ER at no charge.

  5. Uh, because Supplemental Ins is provided by private companies?
    Of are you saying that should be in Mediscare for all, too?
    Getting too hard too keep up with all the Dems ‘gifts’ they are offering.

  6. …the state next to me actually elected a guy named “Peter Butt”…

    …he’s pretty far down the river, though. Fortunately, the turds flow the other way…

  7. Canadian here. No such thing as gov health care. we buy insurance. Iam caring for a parent with cancer. the price of drugs are partially covered by O.H.I.P. but the price paid personally is very high. we also have no coverage for dental eyes reconstructive after burns or other injuries. Unless you are an get it all free. Have concidered boating out to the international line in the sea tossing our I.D.overboard then sail back and claim asylum.

  8. Anyone currently keeping track of 2020 Democratic Runners?
    Damn, will not be watching any debates. What’s the count up too now? Seems more than Congress democratic s currently house.
    Looking forward to Whoopi Goldberg being the moderator!

  9. Because this stupid bastard, being the Ambulance Chaser he is, refuses to address the reasons Health Insurance is so expensive, namely Tort Reform, and Buying insurance over state lines.

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