Indiana Woman May Have Served Lover’s Remains At Barbecue – IOTW Report

Indiana Woman May Have Served Lover’s Remains At Barbecue

KFI: An Indiana woman who was sentenced last month to 65 years behind bars for the murder of her husband is the subject of a new documentary that delves into her life and claims that she is a serial killer responsible for at least nine deaths throughout the Midwest. 34-year-old Kelly M. Cochran admitted that she injected her husband Jason Cochran with a lethal dose of heroin and then smothered him with a pillow. She was already serving a life sentence for killing and dismembering a different lover back in 2014. MORE

29 Comments on Indiana Woman May Have Served Lover’s Remains At Barbecue

  1. I was concerned that she was gonna make Indiana look bad, then I saw that it happened in Lake County. NE Indiana west of I-65 belongs to Chicago so we’re all good here.

  2. @ MJA May 12, 2018 at 6:02 pm

    >It’s French cuisine. It’s called “Masquer La Victime”. Care for more Sangria?

    Will it overtake La Viande de Cheval as France’s most popular entrée? Possibly.


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