Indicted or not indicted, Clinton could lose politically – IOTW Report

Indicted or not indicted, Clinton could lose politically

McClatchyDC: No matter how the FBI investigation into the handling of sensitive information on Hillary Clinton’s personal computer server ends, it likely will hurt her presidential bid.

If she is indicted, she will face further questions about her honesty and perhaps even calls for her to step aside. If she isn’t indicted, as many legal experts predict, critics will accuse the Obama administration of letting her escape charges merely because they want her to win the White House.

Clinton was interviewed by the FBI Saturday for three-and-half hours at its headquarters in Washington, according to her campaign, suggesting the inquiry is nearing its end.

“Secretary Clinton gave a voluntary interview this morning about her email arrangements while she was secretary,” Clinton campaign spokesman Nick Merrill said in a statement. “She is pleased to have had the opportunity to assist the Department of Justice in bringing this review to a conclusion.”

However it is concluded, events this week underscored anew that Clinton is likely to emerge scarred. A new controversy over the Obama administration’s handling of the case and Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s refusal to hand it over to a special prosecutor far removed from the White House served as a reminder that critics would always say that political favoritism toward Clinton tainted any decision to clear her.

23 Comments on Indicted or not indicted, Clinton could lose politically

  1. The arrogance displayed by hillary is matched by her level of corruption.
    Both are off the charts.
    I have little faith in the FBI and no confidence in the AG indicting this serial perjurer, conniver and political viper.
    The outcome will set the stage for the “State” of the Union.
    At this stage it does not bode well for the foundation of “Equal Justice for all”.
    This saddens me greatly.

  2. Well, but Trump grabbed a women and threw her down, and there was this judge he called a beaner or something, and he used racial slurs on a Native American senator, and he says he’d use nukes on China,and what about his taaaaxes?

  3. The FedGov is corrupt – to its core.

    HRC is a SYMPTOM, not a CAUSE of that corruption.
    BHO is a SYMPTOM, not a CAUSE of that corruption.
    WJC is a SYMPTOM, not a CAUSE of that corruption.

    Sadly, the cause of the corruption is us. We, the People of the United States, have abrogated our sovereignty, our responsibilities, the essence of the Republic, for a few handouts and the promise of leisure to watch TV while swigging beer and muscatel and leaving the exertions of governance to others. These filth are only filling the vacuum we made through our lassitudinous ennui.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Hilary skates
    Massive, massive voter fraud with blatant abuse
    Hilary wins
    Arrests start on climate change deniers
    ‘Common sense’ gun control is enacted, millions placed on no fly no by lists, court dates to try to get off the list run into being decades away
    Mental health denials for weapons skyrocket as ex spouses must be contacted before purchase can be approved
    Raids begin on those who were placed on the list and already own guns.
    Minimum wage set at $20 an hour
    All Business must obtain permits to fire employees and must provide three months severance pay plus benefits.
    Hilary enacts anti-bullying law, calls for property confiscation for ‘haters and bullies’
    Obama made head of the UN, immediately calls for slavery reparations for American Blacks, and Global Warming, and calls for Greater Union with US sovereignty given up in trade for ‘Security Concessions’ from the Caliphate.

    Downtown Tucson is rendered inhabitable by dirty bomb

  5. This kind of thing is just a way politicians get around the fairness doctrine.
    Trump does the same thing, though in a different way.
    It creates a lot of free advertising.
    No one’s mind is being changed by this, the left is using it to gin up the base creating a bogeyman to go after, just as Trumps crowd does with #nevertrump.
    This is how politics is played these days.

  6. “Downtown Tucson is rendered inhabitable by dirty bomb”

    You mean it’s a special kind of neutron bomb that only vaporizes illegals and replaces them with A/C?

  7. @Tim July 3, 2016 at 10:53 am

    > The FedGov is corrupt – to its core.


    > Sadly, the cause of the corruption is us.

    Um … no

    If the rules of the game are “High card wins the pot, and the house wins ties” it may be your own fault if you play, at all. But, it’s not the house’ fault that the longer you play the poorer you get. And, it’s not, really, your fault that the longer you play the poorer you get – if there’s a gun in your back convincing you to agree that it’s you patriotic duty to play. The rules are the rules – Rule of Law, Uber Alice!

  8. “This kind of thing is just a way politicians get around the fairness doctrine.
    Trump does the same thing, though in a different way.”

    Call me grasshopper, but that is inscrutable. And begging for the Red Chinese treatment.

  9. Thirdwin, read up on the fairness doctrine and how it has evolved.
    Candidates making news allows the media to provide free advertising for their candidate of choice without having to give the opposition equal time.
    That was how the major media organizations manipulated Trump into the position he now holds, and are asserting pressure on the narrative RE Hillary.

  10. My head will explode if the Hildabeast is NOT indicted. (I know it is driven by politics).

    Her guilt is incontrovertible. If any average citizen or state employee did what she did, they would be in leg irons.

  11. I don’t think anybody here thinks she’s going to be indicted. And further more I bet when Barry leaves he gives her some sort of immunity. So exactly how are we getting played Oh Wise One?

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