Individual Needs… – IOTW Report

Individual Needs…

13 Comments on Individual Needs…


    The Election was stolen. The Election was stolen. The Election was stolen. The Election was stolen. The Election was stolen.

    Joe Biden is a liar and an extortionist. Joe Biden is a liar and an extortionist. Joe Biden is a liar and an extortionist. Joe Biden is a liar and an extortionist. Joe Biden is a liar and an extortionist.

    Kameltoe Harris is an Indian from India – not a negro. Kameltoe Harris is an Indian from India – not a negro. Kameltoe Harris is an Indian from India – not a negro. Besides she excels in oral pleasuring of men.

    Hunter Biden is a sex trafficker, child molester, money launderer, and bagman for the Biden Crime Family. He put the bid in Biden. Hunter Biden is a sex trafficker, child molester, money launderer, and bagman for the Biden Crime Family. He put the bid in Biden. Hunter Biden is a sex trafficker, child molester, money launderer, and bagman for the Biden Crime Family. He put the bid in Biden.

    The Democrat party is anti-American. The Democrat party is anti-American. The Democrat party is anti-American. The Democrat party is anti-American.

    I just saying I agree with Mike.

  2. In and amongst all this, are you praying to God in the name of Jesus Christ? Why is it the one thing that needs doing, is always considered a last resort? God is faithful to those who love him and are in his will. Do you think God will abandon the U.S., a nation founded in his name?

  3. I pray for our Country and its peoples (even the insufferable but redeemable “progressives”) morning, noon, and night, and twice at meals.

    Dear Lord,
    Protect us from those who would oppress us and destroy/manipulate and/or change your Truth. May your will be done in ways that uplift and shelter your people and uphold your ways. Bless our communities and help us to treat others with the love and grace you give to each of us. Thank you for the sacrifice and redemption made possible in your Son, Jesus Christ. Allow the Holy Spirit to both comfort us and show us the road to discipleship. In Jesus name, Amen.

  4. The Obsolete Man, Amen and Amen.

    I set my phone alarm for every 60 minutes. When it chimes, I reset it while praying for our country and a few specific people from my prayer list.

    God’s plan is the only one I placed my trust in. I pray for mercy for our nation. If that is his plan, it will happen.

  5. The Obsolete Man
    JANUARY 18, 2021 AT 8:08 AM

    The Election was stolen. The Election was stolen. The Election was stolen. The Election was stolen. The Election was stolen.

    Joe Biden is a liar and an extortionist. Joe Biden is a liar and an extortionist. Joe Biden is a liar and an extortionist. Joe Biden is a liar and an extortionist. Joe Biden is a liar and an extortionist.”

    ….and a pedophile. And a pedophile. And a pedophile. And a pedophile. And a pedophile. AND A PEDOPHILE.


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