Indonesia: 9 killed in illegal gold mining accident – IOTW Report

Indonesia: 9 killed in illegal gold mining accident

Jackarta Post: Nine people were killed by a landslide at an illegal gold mine in Sumatra, an Indonesian official said Sunday. 

The accident happened Saturday in South Solok in West Sumatra province when a group of 12 people were digging for gold at an abandoned mine. 

The area has several abandoned mines from the colonial era.  MORE

12 Comments on Indonesia: 9 killed in illegal gold mining accident

  1. 9 killed in illegal gold mining. and it’s estimated that 20, 000 people gold mine illegally……that means that a whole bunch of illegal gold miners are dead and we should shut down all gold mining….I hope it won’t affect my Pad Thai recipe because that would really Pho me out….Phuk N A….

  2. I’m terribly sorry, but my Give-A-Shit meter seems to need a deep re-charging at the moment

    sincere apologies … I’ll surely check back on this post later

    “It’s not about a virus; it’s about control…The truth is learned, never told.”

  3. Over here the real gold mining would involve suing the property owners to make all the relatives and especially the lawyers independently wealthy no matter what laws the perps broke!


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