Infant twin boys get life-saving bone marrow donation from 4-year-old big brother – IOTW Report

Infant twin boys get life-saving bone marrow donation from 4-year-old big brother

FOX: A Philadelphia family is thrilled to have their infant twin boys home after their 4-year-old brother helped to save their lives. Santino and Giovanni Demasi, who were born prematurely to mom Robin Pownall, were diagnosed with chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) shortly after birth.

The boys’ oldest brother, 9-year-old Dominick, also had CGD as an infant, but he received an umbilical cord transplant from an anonymous donor around his first birthday and is considered cured.  CGD is a rare immunodeficiency disease that increases the body’s susceptibility to infections. It’s estimated to occur in 1 in 200,000 to 250,000 people worldwide. read more

6 Comments on Infant twin boys get life-saving bone marrow donation from 4-year-old big brother

  1. Bet he had a lot to say about that decision.

    In the years ahead he can really leverage that while dealing with his brothers.

    Just my sarcasm!

  2. What a wonderful outcome for this family. The scientific community, via R&D via a capitalistic society, have improved lifestyle longevity throughout the world.
    With the degradation of societal norms, the world seems on the verge of implosion, but statistically we’re in the best place ever, even moreso on a positive trajectory.

    If interested, check out Steven Pinker, a cognitive psychologist, linguist, and popular science author. Yes, he’s a lib, but he’s done extensive research and the reasons/stats prove this out.

  3. Damn! Gardenchickengal, soon as I saw “life-saving” I knew it wasn’t in UK or Canada – but you beat me to the punch!

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Gonna get slammed.
    I am happy for the outcome.
    But if you know you have a genetic condition that will translate into dangerous diseases into your children, as evidenced by the first boy; why in the hell didn’t you adopt?


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