Inflation top voter issue, 60% blame Biden bumbling – IOTW Report

Inflation top voter issue, 60% blame Biden bumbling


Rising inflation is the top election issue for over 8 out of 10 voters, with most blaming President Joe Biden’s policies for making the economy worse in less than two years on the job.

In the latest Rasmussen Reports survey, 84% said that rising prices would be important in their vote, easily making it the top issue. That includes 77% of Democrats who said it was an important issue. more

18 Comments on Inflation top voter issue, 60% blame Biden bumbling

  1. Biden is just the puppet for the body invaders still pushing the jab and the tax and spend fools in our government that don’t have a clue about helping actual Americans who are working hard and long and still losing ground. Biden is not in charge of running America into the ground but he’s a giant part of the problem.

  2. “Inflation,” “Devaluation of the Dollar,” call it whatever you like. Boiled down to essentials, it’s the FedGov working with foreign gov’ts to destroy America – with malice aforethought – not bumbling, not fucking up, not making mistakes.

    The FedGov is infested with Traitors – DoJ, House, Senate, White House, the Agencies, the Bureaucracy, FBI, Judiciary (the FISA courts still haven’t held the FBI in contempt, have they?), the Armed Forces, and on, and on, and on …

    Americans have only two choices: Stand or Kneel.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The only way we can avoid a war with (the countries we love) the rest of the planet is to make Americans as miserable, destitute and hungry as the rest of the world. This is the Democrats policy.

  4. Let’s call it what it is. What everybody should understand,
    Inflation is a direct tax theft of your labor without your consent or representation. They know what they have been doing for the last 100 years.
    We are slaves about to witness our own suffering in America and around the world not seen before in our lifetime.
    We would be lucky if it’s only a depression.
    I think I remember reading about the Weimar Republic crash and that within one week it’s all anybody was talking about. That’s how fast things happen.

  5. Tim – FJB
    OCTOBER 15, 2022 AT 11:40 AM

    “Americans have only two choices: Stand or Kneel.”

    …there’s one other choice.


    It’s actually the one Democrats would prefer for us.

    And they sure appreciate us demanding the lethal injection ourselves.

    Saves them a lot of effort.


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