Infowars files for bankruptcy – IOTW Report

Infowars files for bankruptcy

The far-right website Infowars has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, as founder Alex Jones faces a handful of lawsuits including several related to his comments after 2012 mass shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut.

Representatives for the site filed this past weekend in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Texas.

Chapter 11 allows companies to continue operations as plans for financial reorganization take shape. It also places a hold on all civil litigation suits. Jones’ other companies – Infowars Health and Prison Planet TV – also filed in the Texas court, according to CBS News.

In the filing, Infowars claims it has assets valued at $0-$50,000, and liabilities ranging from $1 million to $10 million. more

12 Comments on Infowars files for bankruptcy

  1. Doesn’t he own an urban assault vehicle? That’s gotta be worth more than 50K. Not a big fan. In fact I think he’s done more harm than good. And he’s a giant Vajayjay.

  2. What Alex Jones said about Sandy Hook was outrageously stupid.
    That said, the huge cash judgement against him was outrageous as well.
    Hit him with $100K max.

    He is an odd dude.
    Gets some things 100% correct but this bullshit was so deranged I can’t imagine where he came up with it?

  3. And that faggot Mike Cernovich is even worse. Who spends several days trying to arrange a fight with Tom Arnold, and how would it be billed. Pussies Lock Lips. We are much better off with out moron pussies trying to monetize the conservative movement.

  4. Alex Jones, thinks this/fake bankruptcy will save his lying ass. Will the judge & their attorneys see past this, I think so. 100k = peanuts, no go, it will be much more, so much more.

  5. This really isn’t about Alex Jones it is about free speech. No one should be sued for expressing their thoughts on a subject because it hurt someone’s feelings or is ‘insensitive’. Like Elon Musk just said free speech is when someone you don’t like says something you don’t like. That should be protected at all costs.

  6. Alex has been right and fearless for the last 25 years. That’s why the left, and so many of you, hate him. I am going to his site to buy some products. PS he’s right about Sand Hook too.

  7. @Anonymous 11:14am, grab a clue, he defiled those people/victims, free speech, he TRAMPLED all over that, should go to prison, especially claiming empty pockets, lying little bitch.


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