‘Infrastructure’ Bill May Force Automakers to Install Dashcams for Spying on Bad Drivers – IOTW Report

‘Infrastructure’ Bill May Force Automakers to Install Dashcams for Spying on Bad Drivers


(Headline USA) The so-called bipartisan infrastructure bill passed Friday by the House may be permitted by a simple majority vote under the Senate’s budget reconciliation rules.

But at least one measure in the massive omnibus spending spree has less to do with roads and bridges and more to do with imposing a mass-surveillance police-state on an unwitting public.

Under the $1 trillion legislation that President Joe Biden is expected to sign soon, monitoring systems to stop intoxicated drivers would roll out in all new vehicles as early as 2026—after the Transportation Department assesses the best form of technology to install in millions of vehicles and automakers are given time to comply.

On its face, the idea would seem to have nothing but upsides. But the prospect of serious unitended consequences may also abound in an administration that recently threatened to unleash the full force of the law on “domestic terrorist” parents who were getting too unruly during school board meetings. more

10 Comments on ‘Infrastructure’ Bill May Force Automakers to Install Dashcams for Spying on Bad Drivers

  1. Thank goodness I have an older care that looks like it will last quite a while longer.

  2. Even though I like what he has to say, I can’t watch much of him. Paul Joseph Watson is another example, has good things to say but I can’t get myself to watch a whole video of his.

  3. Damn, my car spy camera is broken already…years before I even bought the car.
    Big brother says I have to bring the car in to the dealership so it can be fixed under warranty.
    Damn, it’s broken again. How does this keep happening?
    Do not comply to all this bullshit.

  4. I swear I heard about this at 9am this morning driving to work. They want to have a camera on you 24/7 and make driving so expensive that we just stop owning cars.

    Imagine, you have a faulty sensor. The Car Thinks you are drunk or impaired, pulls itself over, calls the cops on you, and you get busted due to a faulty sensor or an external software hack.

    Hell, I was loaned a new Range Rover after my wife got hit from behind. That Shit Box developed several error codes sitting in my garage for 2 weeks because no one wanted to drive it. The rear camera failed and they tried to pin that on us until i showed the cocksuckers 3 pages of downloaded consumer complaints on that model.

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