Inmate ‘Offered Money’ to Strangle Ghislaine Maxwell in Her Sleep – IOTW Report

Inmate ‘Offered Money’ to Strangle Ghislaine Maxwell in Her Sleep

Ghislaine Maxwell’s lawyers claim the former Jeffrey Epstein “madam” should not receive the recommended 20-year sentence because an inmate was allegedly offered money to strangle her in her sleep. more

8 Comments on Inmate ‘Offered Money’ to Strangle Ghislaine Maxwell in Her Sleep

  1. Seen this movie many a time, always the same ending… death.

    Ghislaine Maxwell won’t kill herself.
    Nor will Assange.
    Killary will.

    Seth Rick didn’t kill himself.
    Epstein didn’t kill himself.
    See a pattern here?!?

  2. No doubt those inmates were offered money by the democrats to suicide the vicious child predator-trafficker Maxwell woman. Add that it’s highly likely someone such as (D-NY) Senator Cryin’ Charles Schumer may have offered the bribe, seeing that he accepted big money from Epstein during the 1990s until Epstein himself was suicided to silence him and keep him from revealing his island pedophile members.


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