Inmates strike nationwide- complain the system is run like a prison – IOTW Report

Inmates strike nationwide- complain the system is run like a prison

In case you missed it—

Guardian: A nationwide prison strike over conditions and wages behind bars, which organizers tipped to be the biggest of its kind in US history, was under way in at least several correctional facilities across the country on Friday, according to prison rights advocates.

Inmates from several states, who had bound together with the help of activists and organizing groups, aimed the national strikes – which had been in the making for several months – against what they said amounted to slave labor conditions amid mass incarceration in the country.

The coordinated events, which organizers targeted in as many as 24 states, occurred on the 45th anniversary of the riots at Attica prison in New York – the largest prison uprising in American history – over grievances today’s protesters say are similar, including poor sanitary conditions and prison jobs that amount to forced labor.  MORE

13 Comments on Inmates strike nationwide- complain the system is run like a prison

  1. They don’t like their prison conditions? Tough. Keep ’em in lockdown in their cells until they capitulate. Feed ’em oatmeal in styro bowls. Utensils? They don’ need no steenkin’ utensils.
    Or they can be treated to the full Sheriff Arpaio. Choices, choices.

  2. They aren’t complaining that they are in prison, per se – this is complaining about the “Prison Industrial Complex” which is a massive multi-billion dollar industry.

    Prison labor is in widespread use, and the privately owned prisons (which there are many) profit greatly from selling prisoner labor.

    Couple this with the massive lobbying efforts by these private prisons, leading to the harsh zero tolerance laws, 3 strikes laws, and high minimum sentencing, and you can see the problem.

    It is quite like modern day slavery. Look it up, it’s no joke.

  3. @
    David J. Marcone

    EASY solution: FOLLOW THE LAW!! Stay out of trouble!

    If the prisoner is working and earning a living, he/she should be paying taxes, paying room and board and paying for school. I would love to see each released prisoner handed a bill for her/his ‘stay’, which would include his portion of the costs of his/her stay.

    Gads, some prisons, like those congressmen are sent to, have the amenities of a classy hotel.

    Sorry, I can’t wring an ounce of tears for the plight of CRIMINALS, as long as they are not beaten by the ‘hoteliers’.

  4. @Sam NH

    Most prisoners are only there because they are poor, not because they are the only ones who commit crime, so your comment, if it is to be accurate, should read “Don’t be poor” not “Don’t do the crime”.

    You want justice? How about ensuring that no matter who breaks the law they get punished the same as anyone else?

    Your weak ass strawman argument about the private that cater to the wealthy only proves my point. These men and women are striking because they are offered labor in exchange for reducing already egregiously long sentences, in effect employing them for 10 cents/hr.

    You ever break the law and not get caught? Then shut the fuck up about not doing the crime. If it were you in that cell for your crimes you’d be singing a much different tune, my friend.

    Wake up and smell the injustice

  5. IMO – Most, certainly not all, deserve to be in prison – away from society. They really do give people a lot of chances to stay out. Different debate for a different thread.

    As for the labor rates, I would make it a part of their pay-back to society. Yes, you are getting less than if you were free, but dutiful, fruitful work is what is useful to the prisoner once he/she’s out.

    So, why not have a scale relating the value of the work to earning time off sentence – like good-behavior can.

    Rehabilitation should be the norm, if applicable.

    If I were in charge of making the call on what to do here, I would try – no work for anyone. No lock down either. Just normal prison life is enough. Work duty gives a lot more than pay and that becomes obvious once you can’t work.

    Just my first take on it.

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