Innocent Sweet Little Pumpkins Harassed By DOE – IOTW Report

Innocent Sweet Little Pumpkins Harassed By DOE


The US Department of Energy has issued a (serious) press release which suggests that Halloween pumpkins contribute significantly to global warming.

19 Comments on Innocent Sweet Little Pumpkins Harassed By DOE

  1. “The Energy Department is working to expand waste-to-energy opportunities in the United States”

    Sounds like a great opportunity. What do you say we start with all the waste in the Federal Bureaucracy.

  2. And they’re not even embarrassed by their lunacy. Good night! They really missed the issue of all the human energy spent to gut and carve the stupid pumpkins!

    Geoff C. The Saltine was telling me last night that there is some sort of “thing” going around where if you put out a blue pumpkin on your porch, your house is “safe” for all those kids who have allergies. Haven’t looked into it, but sounds like something some progtard would spend a lifetime in activism over.

  3. bitterclinger — I know there’s something to be offended by in that, just wait til I’ve had my second cup of coffee, okay?

    We just leave them out til the ‘coons drag them off.

  4. my 2015 Get Rich Quick Scheme: this year I’ve invested in pumpkin futures. Prices have been going up the whole month of October! I’m going to wait until January and then – BANG! – that’s when I’ll cash in.

  5. I read something about that too. But the logic escapes me. Since there is someone somewhere who is allergic to even purified water ( nancy pelosi comes to mind) how can anyone claim that their home is allergy free for all? it boils down to PARENTS being responsible to watch out for the kids.

  6. Makes one wonder what they will be saying once the Christmas tree season is upon us? After all, cutting trees releases all that C02 stored up inside them into the atmosphere. That and the rain forest or something…

  7. So just what if anything are they going to do about the annual punkin chunkin contest shown every year on Thanksgiving on the Discovery or Science channel? I love seeing pumpkins thrown great distances in the air with trebeches, catapults, giant air cannons and other devices capable of mass pumpkin destruction. It’s the highlight of the evening after Thanksgiving dinner. I’m still waiting for some genius shoot a pumpkin over a mile thru the air.

  8. Scientifically illiterate morons. AGW is miniscule. Pumpkins going through a natural decay cycle is no big deal. We have many-fold more plants growing and dying all the time. The scientist who wrote this up should be stripped of their degree and booted out.

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