Insects on the menu is conspiratorial crazy talk…until the waiter takes your New World Order – IOTW Report

Insects on the menu is conspiratorial crazy talk…until the waiter takes your New World Order

WEF or WTF? Beetle Burgers & Flies? Ants au Poivre? Cricket Crepes?

[Ginger Ross Breggin and Peter R. Breggin MD]

Food Shortages and Headlines on Eating Insects are Not Fear Porn

The World Economic Forum has big plans for the people of planet Earth for the year 2030. We will be living more closely together, we will have global universal health care run by the World Health Organization, and we “will own nothing and be happy.”

WEF and other globalists have been making plans for all of us for decades. As it turns out, these are not just pie in the sky musings of rich elites—they are implementing these plans. If there is any question, look at how thoroughly planned the COVID-19 pandemic was.

But there are some rumors that are just beyond credibility, aren’t there? Like the rumor that, by the year 2030, we are going to be eating insects for our protein sources?

Surely that is just more fear porn.

We are learning to notice the fear porn as it shows up in our news and on our browsers. What inevitably negative prediction is being floated now to frighten us and raise collective anxiety levels? How are we being manipulated this week?

I shop and prepare food for my husband, my ninety-five-year-old mom, and myself, so thoughts of food shortages are not an idle intellectual exercise. This could affect us personally and profoundly. It could affect every other citizen of our country and citizens around the world.

So let’s examine food. We keep hearing the rumors that food shortages are coming. Then at the grocery store we notice empty shelves with no explanation. No longer is it just toilet paper and hand sanitizer that are unavailable. Since those shortages in 2020, we understand that supplies can run out. For a while now, packaged pizza dough was unavailable and is still scarce. Well, we can all survive without pizza dough. But this week it was bananas that were missing. more

16 Comments on Insects on the menu is conspiratorial crazy talk…until the waiter takes your New World Order

  1. Tonight’s specials include:

    Our always popular Cabbage Worm Salad

    Nettle Soup

    Maggots Flambé

    Deep-fried Roaches in our special Angle Worm Batter

    A delightful Crickets and Beetles Stir Fry on a Bed of Dandelions and Kale

    And for desert, Tapioca & Grub Pudding topped with our own Spicey Snail Cream

    I’ll give you a few minutes to decide. Enjoy.

  2. I want to post on this topic at length, but am pretty busy right now.

    Here are the high points I will follow up on when I get time.

    The Party is buying up and destroying existing, pre connected, farm machinery.

    The new stuff is controlled at Newholland & Deere.

    The new stuff is outrageously expensive and cannot be purchased by any but corporate and mega farms.

    If you can’t afford to farm it the land must be sold off to the above at their price.

    So, your family would like to do what generations of people have done and buy some land and farm it using your own sweat and a Farmall or Popin John and you know that demands a lot of labor. But you go for it. Not if you can’t buy an older machine and the labor you would hire to help? They are SOL too.

    The newer machines don’t require much labor and the dirty motherfuckers have taken over the nations food source and can now add what you eat to the near complete control they have over your medical decisions and they are doing it with what you drive.

  3. This is when I’m thankful to live in a state with a lot of water and a lot of small farms with no restrictions on buying and selling.
    The US has abundant resources if only our govt would stop allowing China to buy up farms a large meat processors.
    And stop paying farmers to not farm.

  4. @ Beachmom APRIL 16, 2022 AT 6:46 AM

    See above. They are buying and destroying tractors and other implements so they you have no access to it. The new ones you cannot buy, you RENT IT from Deere and Newholland and it is connected through the internet and The Party has ultimate control over if you can use it. But that doesn’t matter, you cannot afford to buy in. Only mega operations and corporations are able to afford it because it is way to expensive for anything less than a huge scale operation to buy in.

  5. Is like to know pricing JD.
    I foresee communal living making a comeback. Comes down to survival of the fittest (and able bodied contributors), consisting of those who toiled, saved, forgoing credit/debt.
    Bernie Sanders need not apply.

  6. Current joke making rounds in Germany:

    Diner: Waiter there’s a fly in my soup

    Waiter: Don’t worry, he won’t eat much.

    In a poll of Germans, it won out over the Chicken Crossing The Road Joke as the best laugh ever.

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