Inside the online world of people who think they can change their race – IOTW Report

Inside the online world of people who think they can change their race

Practitioners of “race change to another,” or RCTA, purport to be able to manifest physical changes in their appearance and even their genetics to truly become a different race.

Since before she hit double digits, Alisa, 15, said she has felt a special connection with Japan. The high school student, who asked to be anonymous for fear of being doxxed online, was born in Ukraine and lives in Maryland, but she now goes by the Japanese name Miyuki and listens to “subliminals” that promise she will wake up and be Japanese. So far, she believes that by listening to YouTube videos with lo-fi music and photos of East Asian facial features while she sleeps, her vision has cleared, her eyelids have become smaller and her hair is just a bit darker. more here

21 Comments on Inside the online world of people who think they can change their race

  1. So am I. Maybe this misguided 15-year-old chick should play that crummy one hit wonder song from the 80’s, I Think I’m Turning Japanese. Or turn into a fake collie like that stupid Japanese guy who wants to be a dog. Talk about trans-speciesism? What is it with the Japs? If Godzilla can be blamed on radiation, is radiation why the Japs have been so crazy wack jobs since the end of World War 2 or were they always nutso before that.

  2. As delusions go, this seems pretty harmless to me. She is not hurting anyone, trying to play a sport of the opposite sex, or going into the wrong bathroom. She is not demanding society see her as Asian or applying for scholarships restricted to Asians. She is playing make-believe, certainly not the first time a kid has done that.

  3. Why can’t kids today just play/pretend whatever is in their imagination and leave it there. Everything has to manifest in real life.

    One day I could be Luke Skywalker or a BSG Viper pilot, a Civil War soldier, a pioneer, or Secretariat and never once did I expect to become a boy or a horse.


  4. @Illust8r

    It’s kinda hard to define reality when one’s life has been lived in front of a screen. Parenting, or lack thereof, is a major component of what is happening now. What’s they saying? Spare the rod, spoil the child. 🤔

  5. Illustr8r AT 8:16 PM
    Why can’t kids today just play/pretend whatever is in their imagination and leave it there. Everything has to manifest in real life.

    Kids today are just waking up to the advantages I made for myself.

    Look how much a lie about high cheekbones did fir ME!

  6. Ah Shit! My wife does it all the time…one week it’s Kevin Harvick, and the next week Denny Hamlin, this week I can’t remember who her favorite is. She is fickle!

  7. I saw a comment elsewher,, that I thought was very good:

    ‘you expect me to have to accept you as you are, but you couldn’t even accept yourself as you were.’

  8. Change your mind and realize that you are fine as God made you. If you want work on anything, realize that happiness is your native state of being once you stop worrying about all that you don’t have, can’t be, etc.

  9. when I was a little kid, in front of the 12″ b&w semi-round, semi-square tv set, I knew that Howdie Doodie was a puppet (actually a marionette), deep down I knew that Fang on Soupy Sales was a furry puppet arm, I knew that the Coyote wouldn’t get killed, but I would if I fell off the cliff or got dynamited.

    what is the difference in today’s kids that they don’t know reality from fantasy? has to be the parents & the schools … what sort of mental breakdown does one have to have to foist this on innocent children, especially your own or those in your charge?

    … I shudder at the evil depravity that continues to caused this

  10. It has been said “Boredom is an ugly thing” . Too many people don’t work and still get to eat. Maybe if they were working in the real world they wouldn’t have so much time for the fantasy one.

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