Inside the twisted world of leftist psychology – IOTW Report

Inside the twisted world of leftist psychology

TMZ to Larry Elder on ‘Systemic’ Racism: You’re Using Facts; I’m Using Humanity.

FrontPage: Maybe it was because the presidential election was just a few days away. Or maybe it was because I arrived at the airport a good two hours before my flight and had plenty of time. Or maybe it was because of the combative interview I recently had with the celebrity website TMZ. We will get to that later.

But as I walked through the Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport, I saw a young white man with long black hair, maybe 20 years old, walking toward me. He was wearing a black T-shirt with white letters: “Protect Black Women.” It was quite early. The airport wasn’t particularly busy, and he and I were alone in a hall corridor.

“Excuse me,” I said, “Do you mind if I ask in what way aren’t Black women protected?”

He wasn’t sure he heard me correctly, as we were both wearing masks, so I repeated the question.

“Oh, they aren’t protected in every way,” he said.

“In every way?”


“Humor me.” I said. “Just give me one way.”

“Just look at it. It’s everywhere.”

“Could you just give me one example, please?” I repeated.

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10 Comments on Inside the twisted world of leftist psychology

  1. Larry is a walking catalog of statistics yet facts no longer seem to matter as this example points out.

    When reasoning can no longer form a bridge among a divided people we should probably brace ourselves for some dark times ahead.

  2. See if I put a sign in my yard displaying my humanity stating I believe black lives matter, no human is illegal, love is love, science is real etc. then I am the morale superior and if you don’t get that you are a racist. Case closed. Who needs facts or reality.

  3. And… This is the reason I won’t talk about these issues with my older brother. He is filled with this warped way of thinking. Facts don’t matter – he just changes the subject and brings in the humanity idea. As an older brother he is sure he is right. He isn’t stupid. I wish that were the case, but unfortunately he is a very educated, brainwashed tool.

  4. The parties switched is my favorite…

    Where’s the memo?

    Oh Snap!!!

    Democrats never changed a single stance on black Civil rights.

    Civil rights just came to mean baby murder

    That was the switch

  5. Liberals have ignored facts for over 60 years, A great line from THE SPEECH (Oct 1964) “liberals have their minds made up! They do not want to be confused with the facts!”

    The only “facts” liberals have used since 1950 are FAKE NEWS “facts”. Which conservatives call LIES!

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