Washington Gov. Jay Inslee Running for President to Defeat ManBearPig – IOTW Report

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee Running for President to Defeat ManBearPig

WFB: Washington Gov. Jay Inslee (D.) joined the ever-swelling field of 2020 Democratic presidential contenders Friday with an announcement video squarely focused on climate change.

Inslee said he’s running for president because he’s the only candidate who will make “defeating climate change our nation’s No. 1 priority.”

“We’re the first generation to feel the sting of climate change,” Inslee said in his announcement video, after a montage of moments as a younger politician warning against the threat. “And we’re the last that can do something about it.”

“We went to the moon and created technologies that have changed the world. Our country’s next mission must be to rise up to the most urgent challenge of our time: defeating climate change. This crisis isn’t just a chart or graph anymore. The impacts are being felt everywhere. We have an opportunity to transform our economy, run on 100 percent clean energy, that will bring millions of good-paying jobs to every community across America and create a more just future for everyone.”  more here

30 Comments on Washington Gov. Jay Inslee Running for President to Defeat ManBearPig

  1. I’m on board with this. We must declare war on climate change. We need to build more tanks, airplanes and missles to attack the climate. We need to recruit storm troopers to assault the climate whereever it exists. We need to issue war bonds and impose new taxes to bring the climate to heel and force it to stop changing. We will fight the climate on our beaches, in our streets, and anywhere the climate exists and shows the slightest inclination to change. We have nothing to fear but the safety of our millionaire’s beach houses. February, 2019, the month in which our nation suffered from a polar vortex, is a month that will live in infamy.

    Please remember to donate generously to this campaign so that I can fly around the country in a private jet while staying at 5 star hotels and eating gourmet meals and traveling to fund raisers by limousine in my effort to promote this war on climate change.

  2. So..100 percent clean energy will bring millions of good-paying jobs to EVERY community across America and create a more just future for EVERYONE?

    EVERYONE in EVERY community…sounds plausible.

    I’d love to see the proof clean energy delivers good paying jobs.

  3. He said he’s the only candidate who will make “defeating climate change our nation’s No. 1 priority.”?
    Really? I thought they ALL said that. It’s numero uno on the democrat party platform. What else do they have, securing the border? No. Fixing the economy? uh, no. They’ve got nada, except Orange Man bad! Oh, and confiscate all the guns.

  4. The dude couldn’t pass a Carbon Tax in WA state, the libtardiest of libtard states, yet he’s going to bring that same platform to all of the USA. Sure. Consistently voted the worst governor of any US state (a neck and neck tie with Oregon’s gov)-sure he’s fit to be President. His voice will put you to sleep and his lack of a personality is enchanting. He only gets elected here because he has a D behind his name.

  5. Electricity and heating production followed by agricultural production (using only 1% less) account for virtually half of global CO2 emissions according to the EPA.

    So we need to make a serious attack on Electric, heating, and agricultural production to combat climate change most effectively. The rest will follow with significant drops as most of the world’s population dies off as a result.

  6. Good!! The Pierce/King/Snohomish freakshow will get a lesson on how fringe they actually are. They are able to dominate Washington Statewide elections thanks to the eRepublicans having thrown opposition under the bus in 2004 when they allowed the Pierce/King/Snohomish Democrat machine to steal an election in broad daylight. What this did was so demoralize any future opposition that they (the Repu8blican base) just don’t bother to turn out any longer.

    This was AFTER and while the Republican base was still funding the “effort” to fight the battle and more than willing to fight on. Yup, east-side (Bellevue) cabal, I am talking about you. You could always count on us to be there for your priorities, but have NEVER been there for us.

    Get this clown in an election wherein the outcome isn’t a foregone conclusion and he won’t even be a factor.

  7. Men, all this stuff you hear about America not wanting to fight, wanting to stay out of the war, is a lot of bullshit. Americans love to fight. All real Americans love the sting and clash of battle. When you were kids, you all admired the champion marble shooter, the fastest runner, the big-league ball players and the toughest boxers. Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. Americans play to win all the time. That’s why Americans have never lost and will never lose a war. The very thought of losing is hateful to Americans. Battle is the most significant competition in which a man can indulge. It brings out all that is best and it removes all that is base.

    The problem is eRepublicans are not “real Americans.” They are progressives and as such not only won’t fight, they throw in with Democrats against real Americans while making excuses to validate their cowardice.

  8. We went to the moon and created technologies that have changed the world.

    You didn’t build that, Sparky. Your generation can’t even scratch together the tritium to keep that generation’s kit working. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that.)

    The idiocracy! It burns! Well, it stings? It feels a bit warm? If you sit on it for a while?

  9. When Inslee and all the other environmentalists abandon cars and start riding bicycles then I’ll believe he’s sincere in his beliefs. Same goes for when these avowed “socialists” start dividing their wealth among the poor. Leftists are FRAUDS. It’s nothing more than VIRTUE SIGNALING. Everyone needs to call them on their bullshit and make them live up to their beliefs. Expose them then stand back and watch their heads explode. Saul Alinsky works for us now.

  10. @Anonymous March 2, 2019 at 11:15 am

    > So we need to make a serious attack on Electric, heating, and agricultural production to combat climate change most effectively. The rest will follow with significant drops as most of the world’s population dies off as a result.

    Well, you’ve convinced me.
    Inslee 2020!

  11. “We’re the first generation to feel the sting of climate change,” Inslee said in his announcement video…”
    Excuse me. What is this “sting” you talk about?
    Temperatures where I live are in the same range they were 50+ years ago.
    The water is still splashing against the pier at the same level it was 50+ years ago.
    The trees are still bearing fruit, the plants are still bearing vegetables and the animals are still bearing young.

  12. @JDHasty March 2, 2019 at 11:40 am

    > The problem is eRepublicans

    Nice to see The Party’s heels getting a bit of the rebranding “love”.
    (Will we be back to “communists” and “conservatives” by November?
    Memetic minds want to know.)

  13. When people hear his voice and see his facial expression matched with his glib statements, they’ll know he was just a ‘figurehead governor’ from the hopelessly socialist, Soviet State of Washington.

    Governor Dim Bulb is not presidential material. He’s just a nice – stupid – guy.

  14. Fools, and of course the duped, are completely behind this fantasy. It’s incredible to discuss this nonsense with the indoctrinated/hypnotized/brain washed true believers. Inslee is their hero. I live in one of the bluest counties in the state and I’m no longer shocked when I encounter the unquestioning brain dead. Problem is, they vote.

  15. As the Wall Street Journal noted today in an editorial:

    –In a Morning Consult poll last week of potential primary voters, Mr. Inslee registered 0% support. “Someone else” took 3%.–

  16. YES! MORE!!! MORE!!!

    ….I want ALL the Democrats running!

    Every. Single. One.

    …after all each ONE is SPECIAL!

    …each ONE is the ONLY one smart enough to make Communi…I mean, Socialism, work THIS time!

    Each ONE can’t trust any OTHER one to have their unique insights on absolutely EVERYTHING!

    …and, each one that doesn’t WIN..will HATE anyone that DOES. Those people do NOT let it GO…

    …imagine a Hillary-type inauguration, but with 100,000,000 Berntard-type sore losers…

    So, YES, MORE Democrats for President, YOU can WIN! 😉

  17. Have you noticed that about five years ago the words “man made” disappeared from every mention of climate change, global warming, global cooling and any other phrase the left used to camouflage their plans to redistribute wealth and take the western world back around three or four generations (of course for those special people like high ranking Dems, Techno Billionaires, some Hollywood folk who’ll get their own Dachas, cars and drivers, no food rationing and the like because their jobs telling us how to live are so hard they need these perks).
    They saw that “man made” was never going to sell the masses (neither was Global Warming) so they just changed the name to something you can’t argue is not happening and voila “Climate Change”. It’s something that’s always happening and is part of nature and man can do little (nothing really) to change it either for good of bad. The changes that man can do is to in some small way mitigate the adverse effects that some aspects of climate change bring. This jackass from Washington State (a mess on it’s own and the idiot wants to bring that sort of management style to the whole country) can’t seem to understand that and even misuses the term in his announcement. What a clown show the nomination fight is going to be.

  18. Really, anymore, it’s all about the money. He will solicit several million for his campaign. He will hire his wife and other family members as “campaign workers” for six-figure salaries. He will travel all over the country whils still drawing his governors salary, and when he inevitably drops out, he gets to keep his unspent campaign money. All perfectly legal. Why do you think so many dems are running?

  19. Most of you continue to consider these commie scrunts, harmless idiots……… beware!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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