Inspector General Report on FBI and DOJ Conduct During Clinton Investigation – Full 568 page pdf – IOTW Report

Inspector General Report on FBI and DOJ Conduct During Clinton Investigation – Full 568 page pdf

Conservative Tree House: The 18-month Inspector General review of the DOJ/FBI investigation of the Hillary Clinton email has been released – OIG RELEASE LINK HERE

This IG inquiry is specifically looking into whether the FBI investigation was corrupted by political influence in their determination of the Clinton outcome. The IG report provides background on the overall issues, the potential crimes; the subsequent coverup; and the corruption that infested the 2016 Department of Justice and the FBI.   More

31 Comments on Inspector General Report on FBI and DOJ Conduct During Clinton Investigation – Full 568 page pdf

  1. Here’s your top dawg FBI man (is he stupid or lying?)

    Comey said that he recalled first learning about the
    additional emails on the Weiner laptop at some point in
    early October 2016, although he said it was possible
    this could have occurred in late September 2016.
    Comey told the OIG that this information “didn’t index”
    with him, which he attributed to the way the
    information was presented to him and the fact that, “I
    don’t know that I knew that Weiner and Abedin were married.

  2. Comey is terrible for going around his boss, Lynch, and not talking to anyone about what he’s doing, etc. But hey, he didn’t really mean it, right?
    Let’s hope there are threads in this report that follows to the next investigation coming. So far, this is like telling a serial killer everything he did wrong but letting him go because he didn’t understand what serial killing was.

  3. “We identified numerous FBI employees, at all levels of
    the organization and with no official reason to be in
    contact with the media, who were nevertheless in
    frequent contact with reporters. Attached to this report
    as Attachments E and F are two link charts that reflect
    the volume of communications that we identified
    between FBI employees and media representatives in
    April/May and October 2016. We have profound
    concerns about the volume and extent of unauthorized
    media contacts by FBI personnel that we have
    uncovered during our review.
    In addition, we identified instances where FBI
    employees improperly received benefits from reporters,
    including tickets to sporting events, golfing outings,
    drinks and meals, and admittance to nonpublic social
    events. We will separately report on those
    investigations as they are concluded, consistent with
    the Inspector General Act, other applicable federal
    statutes, and OIG policy.”

    As for the top dawgs in the Obama DOJ?
    Why, they are as pure as the driven snow. We couldn’t even find that political bias, if it even exists, tainted their actions. These are men and women of integrity and move along, nothing to see here. Now LET’S GET TRUMP!!!!!

  4. Falco @Nick_Falco

    #OIGReport RELEASED:



    2:04 PM – Jun 14, 2018

    Whatever that means ^^^

  5. If the swamp thought they had a pissed off electorate before, they haven’t seen anything yet! Trump, Sessions, and anybody else with some stroke, it’s past time to take action and clean this shit up. I don’t care if it starts a civil war, we will have one, one way or another.

  6. CNN MSNBC in full denial of ‘We’ll Stop’ Trump Presidency is now a proven statement. Spin at orbital rates. Too funny. Delicious.
    Media at all hands on deck level.
    Everyone should be recording MSNBC and CNN for the record.

  7. Looks as though it’s still Kabuki theater. They just brushed the dust and the food stains off the costumes and applied new makeup to the same old cast. How much longer are patriots going to tolerate this shit?

  8. Czar, this is only step one? I am sick and tired of taking baby steps and falling down the stairs doing it! It’s time to hit the ground running, full speed and kick some swamp dwellers ass. The mid terms are right around the corner and anything and everything these traitors can do to delay the release of information they will do.

  9. what a bunch of d3rps who created this pdf. there’s not even any document security or document restrictions implemented on it. Fake report from a fake DOJ run by a bunch of huckster clowns that pretend to be governing a country they no longer control.

  10. {yawn}. I can’t be bothered to read “deeply troubling”, “highly unusual”, and “no biases” in a 500+ page document. Just gonna dust off War and Peace, I have more faith and interest in a Russian authored tome.

    Alas, there WILL be revised/updated protocols passed out at the annual DOJ/FBI managerial meeting. So there is that.

  11. “They’re going to lay this on the lower ranking agents.”

    Yep. Stand up guys, bend over…

    “We identified numerous FBI employees, at all levels of the organization and with no official reason to be in contact with the media, who were nevertheless in frequent contact with reporters”

  12. Thirdtwin- And what will the little agents say if they’re fired? lol
    This makes the LSM look really bad, er worse, uh… OK they are who we know they are, but it would be nice to see the press finger pointing at each other or say the FBI MADE us do this.

  13. I’d rather eat a bucket of sawdust than go through 500 plus pages of that crap. But I read the quotes of Strzok, Page, and 5 other unnamed FBI employees on PP. 342/3,389/9, 403, 408, 410/11,419,422, 431.
    What a disgrace. They called Trump an idiot, a duche, stupid etc.
    Strzok swore “we’ll stop him.”
    After he was elected one agent quipped “Viva la resistance.” p.422
    When asked about this he gave some shitty excuse that he didn’t really mean it.
    I say fuckemall, fireemall, and more. Clear the swamp. MAGA PDT


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