Inspector General’s Ties Suggest Ukraine ‘Scandal’ is Just More Collusion Hoax – IOTW Report

Inspector General’s Ties Suggest Ukraine ‘Scandal’ is Just More Collusion Hoax

Democrats are poised to begin the impeachment process based on this latest controversy. It’s time for Republicans to uncover as much information as possible, including whether this scandal is an extension of the collusion hoax and whether it involves some of the very same players.

American Greatness:

Michael Atkinson, the intelligence community’s inspector general at the center of the so-called “whistleblower” report, is earning Robert Mueller-level adoration by the press.

Atkinson, we are told, is a truth-seeker with no partisan agenda or political grudge. “The intelligence community’s chief watchdog, Michael Atkinson, is known to his peers and colleagues as a highly cautious ‘straight shooter’ who tends to keep his head down,” cooed Politico reporter Natasha Bertrand on September 23.

The former prosecutor’s resume is touted as proof that the long-time public servant only is acting in the best interest of the country; his motives are not to be questioned, we are chastised. (This description follows a pattern similar to the way the media portrayed dossier author Christopher Steele and Special Counsel Robert Mueller.)

Atkinson is “a no-nonsense, serious and nonpartisan career prosecutor who showed a strong commitment to the law throughout his nearly two-decade career at the Department of Justice,” insisted a puff piece in The Hill on September 26.

One critical period in Atkinson’s resume, however, has been overlooked—probably intentionally—by his boosters in the media: His work as a top deputy in the Justice Department in 2016 and 2017 during the very same time that the DOJ was investigating Trump campaign aides and, after the election, incoming administration officials. Atkinson worked directly for two figures involved in both the counterintelligence probe into the Trump campaign and the set-up of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn. read more

4 Comments on Inspector General’s Ties Suggest Ukraine ‘Scandal’ is Just More Collusion Hoax

  1. This guy was working for and with criminal swamp dwellers while they committed serious felonies. Did he blow the whistle? No, he did not. And he’s now the IC Inspector General? This isn’t just a conflict of interest, it’s a

  2. He was legal council for the very people who were fraudulently investigating Trump.

    So why in the hell aren’t republicans demanding that he recuse himself on this matter. Or resign.

    Oh, i forgot. The only people who are supposed to recuse themselves or resign are republicans.

  3. It’s pretty simple, really. The Traitor Tranny, “Susan” Collins, is way more powerful than Atkinson; so he just did whatever the fuck the Traitor Tranny wanted.


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