Inspired By a Binder Clip – IOTW Report

Inspired By a Binder Clip

22 Comments on Inspired By a Binder Clip

  1. …well, THAT sure was a lot of work to make an unpleasant, inconvenient, awkward to carry, ugly, easily snatched purse.

    But suppose it caught on.

    Now let’s see you make 100,000 of them by next Tuesday for the global rollout.

    ..your hands are gonna be pretty tired…

  2. I always use the large binder clips for attaching targets to the frame at the range. I’ve found that if you tell the shooters not to hit them the will every time!

  3. Jesus Christ, I spent 10 minutes of my life watching that crap (more fool me). That is the most inconvenient purse I have ever seen. Do designers even know why a woman has a purse? I think not. We need a purse to keep all our stuff in one place (unlike men who only have to worry about a wallet and keys and have a gazillion pockets in their clothes to accomodate that)…it needs to be comfortable to hold, although holding is not ideal. We need to be able to hang it on our arm or shoulder or have a strap long enough to throw it cross body…so it doesn’t get snatched from us! Eeck, 10 minutes I wasted!


    @Mrs radiomattm:

    …That is the most inconvenient purse I have ever seen… We need a purse to keep all our stuff in one place (unlike men who only have to worry about a wallet and keys and have a gazillion pockets in their clothes to accomodate that)

    Agreed! Really poorly thought out handbag. Actually, I suspect it wasn’t thought out AT ALL!.

    But note that some of us men carry around quite a lot more than that, ma’am. My standard loadout is, clockwise from right hip pocket,

    — large-ish folding knife
    — small (6-ft) tape measure
    — clean bandana or handkerchief
    — terry sweat band
    — phablet (Galaxy Note 10+ big phone)
    — coin purse
    — stupid large wad of keys
    — nail clippers
    — Bic lighter (wife smokes and sometimes I just want to burn something)
    — 1-AAA flashlight
    — extra magazine (extended, loaded) for
    — Ruger LC9S-Pro pistol in DeSantis Nemesis pocket holster
    — car key fob
    — fat Swiss army knife (corkscrew, scissors, toothpick, saw, etc.)

    I weighed myself the other day with and without those loaded cargo shorts: ten pounds. Those cargo shorts are my purse!

  5. Guys, this is a “show” purse. Something a Hollywierd actress or elite would take to a flashy media event. Nothing should go inside of it except make-up, kleenex, etc. Items that are not valuable like IDs, cash or keys.
    It’s not really a purse most of us working class “normies” would use for church, family get-togethers, sporting events or the grocery store. Still, it’s unique, creative and stylish. I would buy one as a collector’s item.

  6. I liked the video.
    Not anything I would ever use.
    Can’t get my gun in there conveniently and the handles are too awkward.
    I can see young Asian girls carrying that, or nice art piece.

  7. I thought it was pretty damn cool.

    I like to watch creations of any type. I am not a creator, I solve other problems, sometimes creatively. I think that wouldn’t be a great bag but the inspiration is the key. People who can make things from scratch fascinate me.

    I buy my wife her choice of handbag every year on her birthday, and sometimes at Christmas. Sometimes I pick them for her. Check out Chala bags, she loves those damn things, I found her first one and people stop her all the time and ask about it or comment. I don’t give a shit whether they’re make of sustainable materials or any other kind of bullshit virtue signaling, if she likes it she gets it. haven’t returned one yet.

    Happy wife, happy life.

  8. Uncle Al AT 12:26 AM

    “…But note that some of us men carry around quite a lot more than that, ma’am.”

    …agreed, amen to Uncle Al. I’m at work with the usual kit on me, and I have in my pockets now…

    -1 ID/swipe badge
    -1 Electrician’s Knife
    -1 Ring of domestic keys, 7 keys on the ring.
    -1 Ring of work keys, 9 keys on the ring.
    -1 Phone charger
    -1 Phone
    -1 Wallet with a purse’s full of little plastic cards, business cards, insurance cards, pictures of people I love (some of which go back 20 years so the baby doesn’t look like that any more), CCW card, Driver’s license, etc., but no money, the wife has all that.

    (No actual pistol, can’t carry at work) *wink*

    And a belt-mounted side pouch. In THAT pouch I have first aid items including;
    -1 Respirator mask with one-way valve
    -1 Box of Narcan containing 2 doses
    -1 Eye Flashlight
    -1 Mag light
    -3 Ammonia capsules
    -2 Pairs of gloves, XL, with a third pair in the mask container
    -1 Rescue knife/seatbelt cutter
    -1 Pair EMT scissors
    -1 Tornequet
    -1 Sharpie (see above)
    -1 Roll of gauze

    …and this does not include tools I may load for particular jobs such as wrenches, meters, screwdrivers, tubes of various unguents for assorted tasks that are loaded and unloaded on a as-needed basis and sometimes leave a mess behind. I also need the cargo pockets for pointier things like screwdrivers because I used to be a garage mechanic, and you REALLY didn’t want to put screwdrivers in your back pocket because you would slash hell out of someone’s upholstery if you did, and since I did that for 20 odd years the lesson kinda stuck.

    And also particular to my case is that I can’t carry anything in my shirt pockets even when I have them because of Goverment regulations, GMPs, and common sense suggests you don’t want things falling into Production vessels if you lean over them, so THOSE pockets are out.

    I also sometimes have a backpack for a laptop and myriad special-duty cables when I go on the road, but that’s not everyday.

    So it’s not that I oppose the idea of a purse. I sometimes think it would be a helpful thing for dudes, too, although probably not in fetching pastel shades or delecate alligator patterns.

    It’s just that I oppose the idea of THIS purse as being pretty hopelessly “gimmmicky” and not practical at ALL.

    …Also, as for “gun purses”, my wife has a couple, and mostly doesn’t use them. I HATE the idea myself of putting a weapon somewhere that’s going to take TIME and a LOT of OBVIOUS motion to get, that ISN’T always on your person, that is the FIRST thing a mugger will demand from you and he AIN’T gonna let you OPEN it, can be easily left behind anywhere, and can be snatched giving your theif a bonus prize if you run him down after he does, and the ability to kill people with a gun TRACABLE TO YOU if you DON’T run him down.

    So purse away ladies, if that’s what you like, but keep these things in mind, and pity we poor purseless dudes wandering the Earth with bulgy pockets and poked thighs.

    And don’t carry your weapons in your purse unless you guard that thing like the Christ child, in which case its going to be pretty obvious to anyone you have something worth having in there…

  9. I didn’t think I would spend ten minutes watching but it sucked me in and I enjoyed it. You might not like the end product but the guy does good work.

  10. People that do stuff with their hands carry a lot. I wear suspenders or my jeans go low and I’m not living in the hood.
    Me about 10 pounds of useful tools.


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