Instagram Is Forcing Users to Follow Biden White House Account So That It’s Not So Pathetic Even When Users Repeatedly Un-Follow the Page – IOTW Report

Instagram Is Forcing Users to Follow Biden White House Account So That It’s Not So Pathetic Even When Users Repeatedly Un-Follow the Page

h/t Brad.

Tech giants keep pushing the BIG LIE.

Instagram is forcing users to follow the Joe Biden White House account because the page had less than a million followers.

Remember: This is the guy who allegedly had 81 million votes and exponentially more popular than Barack Obama!

From a Gateway Pundit reader:  Hoping you pick up this story. If you unfollow or block the White House Instagram account, hours later you are forced to follow it again.  More than half of the followers are being forced to follow the page.  Seems like Instagram is trying to avoid the mainstream media picking up on Biden having less than a million followers. more

SNIP: My sister’s friend has been trying to unfollow the WH account for days and Instagram keeps putting it back onto her follow list. I get the feeling if you delete your Instagram account, they’ll still send you ‘updates’ to your email account. Nuts.

18 Comments on Instagram Is Forcing Users to Follow Biden White House Account So That It’s Not So Pathetic Even When Users Repeatedly Un-Follow the Page

  1. The local radio station that carries Rush and is supposed to be the conservative talker in town gets its news feed from ABC radio at the top and bottom of hour. Driving around today I learned that 79% of Americans support President* Biden’s handling of the CoronaWuhanRedDeath crisis, there was a 20% decrease in death last week, and schools and restaurants can now reopen.


  2. I unfollowed the White House account on Instagram yesterday. Today, I have the White House account for the 45th President Trump, managed by the National Archives. It’s all of his stuff. No Biden posts at all.

    Still odd that it was put back-happy it’s POTUS in exile and not Sundown Joe’s.

  3. …my wife unfollowed The White House on FakeBook after The Pedophile illegally occupied, and FB put her right back in.

    …I keep telling her to get out, but she starts up about “…but thats the only way I can talk to some family”, to which I say that the REALLY stupid LIBERALS in her family and she’s better off without them, which then devolves into an argument about how there’s a significant portion of her family that acts like they’re the end result of a non-forking family tree, which then causes ME to get PERSONALLY disliked and unfriended in my own house, so sometimes its just better if 5he router has, like, “an accident”…

  4. This is precisely why the radical left of the GOP overrode Don’s veto 3 weeks ago! These liberal GOPe told “big tech” make conservatives kneel like Colin!
    Of course the GOPe hate conservatives!


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