Instead of checks, they’re mailing masks – IOTW Report

Instead of checks, they’re mailing masks

Patriot Retort:

Yesterday, White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain was interviewed on NBC Nightly News, and he told anchor Lester “The Forehead” Holt that the White House wants to start mailing masks to every American.

“We’re gonna do whatever we can to make masks more available to the people,” said the chief of staff for the guy who promised he’d be mailing $2,000 checks on Day OneTM. more

19 Comments on Instead of checks, they’re mailing masks

  1. They’re mailing masks…..At OUR expense…..Thanks for nothing ASSHOLE.

    Why don’t you mail me a copy of the United States Constitution, it MAY help convince me that you knew it existed.

  2. The masks were to scare people into conforming. Once suckered in, the masks conditioned gullible people into begging to be first for the vaccine. And next up: The previous actions will have conditioned the gullible people into fighting to be first in line to take the ‘mark’ on the forehead or hand.

    “There’s a sucker born every minute.” – PT Barnum


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