Patriot Retort:
Yesterday, White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain was interviewed on NBC Nightly News, and he told anchor Lester “The Forehead” Holt that the White House wants to start mailing masks to every American.

“We’re gonna do whatever we can to make masks more available to the people,” said the chief of staff for the guy who promised he’d be mailing $2,000 checks on Day OneTM. more
Hey #FakePresident, are the masks edible?
His panties are!
Fox News cancels Lou Dobbs Show… Developing
I’ll mail it back. I remember something about them wanting anal swabs.
AHEM! LIKE I said…
I’m wiping my ass with mine, and returning to sender.
Postage DUE. 🖕😁🖕
They are MUZZLES. Stop calling the masks. They STOP NOTHING, except your freedom.
What’s next? Sending us all gender neutral jump suits?
In my book,the reason to wear a mask is to conceal the identity of a criminal during a stick-up or criminal act!
Had that perception all my life. So, for Biden, it’s only natural. He really needs people for the drive-away car.
Can double as toilet paper too!
May need this in the soon future
Lester “The Forehead” Holt….😂😂😂😂😂😂
I call him Holt the Dolt.
They’re mailing masks…..At OUR expense…..Thanks for nothing ASSHOLE.
Why don’t you mail me a copy of the United States Constitution, it MAY help convince me that you knew it existed.
“Hide your faces proles!!!”
– The Ruling Class
If someone asks why you’re not wearing a mask, tell them it a felony to wear a mask while carrying a gun.
Just wait till they start making us wear iron masks 😷 this shit is never going away. I get enraged everytime this topic comes up. 🤬
Heretic February 5, 2021 at 8:41 pm
Good point, buddy!
The money is all gone…hunter spent it on coke!
The masks were to scare people into conforming. Once suckered in, the masks conditioned gullible people into begging to be first for the vaccine. And next up: The previous actions will have conditioned the gullible people into fighting to be first in line to take the ‘mark’ on the forehead or hand.
“There’s a sucker born every minute.” – PT Barnum
I think I’ll wipe myself with the mask and send it back.
wonder what strains of covid comes with them “free masks”
Hey Joey! I’ll wear 3 masks if you send me 3 checks. 😉
Come on, man!