Insurrection alert: No arrests reported after Antifa tries to ‘break down door’ of police union headquarters – IOTW Report

Insurrection alert: No arrests reported after Antifa tries to ‘break down door’ of police union headquarters


Left-wing insurrections tried on Wednesday to break into the headquarters of the Portland Police Bureau’s labor union in Portland, Oregon.

Unlike the insurrectionists who targeted the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6th, however, the insurrectionists in Portland faced no arrests and no use of force.

At 5:15 pm EST (meaning 2:15 pm in Portland), the Portland Police Bureau reported via Twitter that a so-called “protest” had developed and that the participants had “tried to break down the door [of] the Portland Police Association.”

The Portland Police Association is a local police union. At the time of the so-called “protest,” local officers had been meeting for contract negotiations, according to local journalist Andy Ngo. read more

13 Comments on Insurrection alert: No arrests reported after Antifa tries to ‘break down door’ of police union headquarters

  1. Please, don’t inflame the situation. These are mostly “peaceful protesters” trying to bring attention to the absolute incompetence of the Portland, Oregon Police Department. They are actually accomplishing their assigned task. This is more like a permanent state of insurrection than it is a demonstration of how stupid the Mayor and Governor are in this progressive shithole.

  2. The Cities of Portland and Seattle have indulged childishness on the part of late teen and early twenties for decades. I have watched, shaking my head, as people who are old enough to know better treated their fucking bratty perpetual adolescents offspring as precocious, cute or funny and allowed a critical mass of them to complete the metamorphis into absolute fucking monsters.

    Every other malicious, maladjusted malcontent from every corner of the globe has been watching this dynamic as it developed and aspired to emulate that behavior and get some of the attention. Many of them have moved to these shitholes and added to the idiocy. Unless and until this cycle is broken it will continue to build.
    This did not develop in a vacuum, it arose organically and is a function of the culture in these atheistic shitholes. Once it achieved critical mass like minded diabolical narcists form far and wide saw the fawning attention they too could get by joining in on it and many more moved to Seattle and Portland.

    Both cities are dying and it is only a function of the federal and State governments propping them up that keeps them from total collapse at this point.

  3. Wait until the Floyd trials, there will be massive riots unless there are 4 death sentences. Those people will not accept the legal findings of our court system, our DOJ. So, all insurrectionists?
    Nope, media and DNC darlings. It will be Proud Boys that we need to hunt down, according to them.

  4. Dumpocraps scream “violent insurrection” over Jan 6, but are silent and quiet as mice about continued assault on police in Seattle, Portland, and other cities.

    There are two reasons for this: dumpocraps are terrified for their own safety but care nothing for the lives of police officers, and they can’t make political points against Trump for Seattle and Portland riots, but think they can for the “assault” on their office buildings in DC. The poor dear babies.

    They (and RINOs) are scumbags and chicken shits like we have never seen before in this country, interested in lining their own pockets at the expense of the American people, and cozying up to illegal immigrants and China at the cost of American lives.

    They exhibit their putridity openly and without shame.

  5. President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist FEBRUARY 12, 2021 AT 1:59 PM

    Gee Wally, I’m pretty sure I’d be in fear for my life!

    Well Beav, just make sure it’s full metal jacket so that it still has some snot left after penetrating the door. That and maybe keep your line of sight about waste high so as not to waste the precious ammo during these times of shortage.

  6. Portland is on our list of cities not to visit or vacation at again. Speak your voice with money. Others on our list, New York,San Francisco, Chicago, Seattle, Los Angeles (lost angels), Washington DC.
    We saw these cities when there were great, not the mess they are in today. Good memories. Money talks.


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