Tore Says:

We are congested with “exceptional” self-proclaimed investigative journalists with resources, massive followings that have created a BRAND they will guard at any cost. That includes TRUTH and FREEDOM. Investigative journalists will complain, report complaints, and write or report reactively to issues but haven’t really exposed the CORRUPTION of January 6, 2021. The information is out there. They just CHOSE not to use or report on it. It’s almost like the bystander who watches a granny get beaten and is recording it but not doing anything.

Through a series of FACTS reports that we will be publishing, most of the BAD ACTORS that participated in the INSURRECTION are NOT “TRUMP SUPPORTERS.” In fact, they are TIED back to the DNC, AFL-CIO, prominent Anti-Trump Officials, federal employees that hated President Trump Agency, and FOREIGN intelligence assets.

For over 24 months, we infiltrated ANTIFA and RADICAL LEFT groups. We infiltrated every group, including one with FEDERAL EMPLOYEES planning the election theft and the insurrection. While we shared all the information to both left and right-wing media and those claiming to be “independent” and “Investigative journalists,” – NO ONE COVERED IT. We also ensured the FBI and DHS had all the information. In fact, we PERSONALLY provided the information to Chris Miller. MORE HERE

3 Comments on “Insurrection”: FIBBING FBI, FAKE NEWS AND TRUTH

  1. One insidious symptom of our current political climate is shooting all actions through an ideological prism. A good example of this is the death of Officer Sicknick. Hundreds of cops injured over the summer fighting ANTIFA/BLM, nary a peep, but this one lone officer that dies a day later of causes probably not related to the riot but his death is immediately described as ,”killed by rioters” by the MSM because it was a quote Trump inspired riot.

    2 creeps were arrested the other day for assaulting Sicknick with bear spray, caught on tape. All the libs want a firing squad but I sure hope some hungry energetic journalist can unearth some telling social media posts that reveal both of them for the lefty’s that that they are.


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