Intel Committee Dems are ‘Dangerous’ and ‘Negligent’ in Handling Of Breach By Their Own IT Aide – IOTW Report

Intel Committee Dems are ‘Dangerous’ and ‘Negligent’ in Handling Of Breach By Their Own IT Aide

Daily Caller:  Three Democrats on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence have been “dangerous” and “negligent” by seemingly failing to react to evidence of a major security breach by their own IT aides, a former Air Force colonel and career intelligence staffer charged. In light of this, he told The Daily Caller News Foundation, their concerns on committee Republicans voting to release a classified memo ring hollow.

The House inspector general found that a family of Pakistanis working for Democrats made “unauthorized access” to House servers, logging in using members’ personal usernames, covering their tracks, and continuing to access servers even after efforts to stop them. The IG found evidence that data from 17 members may have been funneled onto one server, which law enforcement said was later physically stolen.

Intelligence committee members Democratic Reps. Joaquin Castro of Texas, Andre Carson of Indiana, and Jackie Speier of California employed the aides until they were banned from the network in February 2017. Castro and Speier both said they did not know of any cybersecurity breach, but then they refused to respond when TheDCNF revealed two reports by the House’s internal investigator that showed there was a breach.  read more

7 Comments on Intel Committee Dems are ‘Dangerous’ and ‘Negligent’ in Handling Of Breach By Their Own IT Aide

  1. Those damn Awan’s need to be in Gitmo receiving a daily waterboarding until we know everything about what they know. Then take them swimming in the bay, I heard the water is nice there.

  2. With so much out-of-control criminality that’s been revealed over 8 long years,
    only question applies:
    “At this point, what difference does it make?!”

  3. Andre Carson is now a Muslim — what else do you need to know? They will aid and abet all kinds of illegalities to further world-wide Islam, all the while deny doing so (taqiyyah).
    Their first allegiance is to their Muslim brothers i.e. (the Pakistani aides), and not to the US Constitution.

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