Intel Committee Official: Democrats Have Leaked Classified Info – IOTW Report

Intel Committee Official: Democrats Have Leaked Classified Info


LifeZette: Democrats who successfully pushed for the House Intelligence Committee chairman to step away from the probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 election might be in danger of exposing their own misconduct, according to a senior official on the panel.

The official, who has direct knowledge of the investigation and spoke on LifeZette on condition of anonymity, characterized the surprising decision by Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) to step away as a willingness to take a bullet for committee members who likely would be dogged by questions about the controversy when they returned to their districts for the Easter recess.

Democrats have been hounding Nunes to step aside or resign his chairmanship since he disclosed to the public that he had uncovered documents indicating that members of the outgoing administration of President Barack Obama had improperly “unmasked” the names of incoming President Donald Trump’s associates who were supposed to be disguised in intelligence reports.

Nunes faces an inquiry by the House Ethics Committee, but the House Intelligence Committee official told LifeZette that there is no evidence Nunes did anything wrong. By contrast, the official said, there is evidence that some Democrats have leaked classified material — both inadvertently and intentionally.  read more


3 Comments on Intel Committee Official: Democrats Have Leaked Classified Info

  1. “there is evidence that some Democrats have leaked classified material — both inadvertently and intentionally”

    if the msm doesn’t report it did it really happen ?

  2. msNBC portraying Truth being revealed to the Public as “Weaponization of Information”.

    Their in for so much more.
    We’re only at Step 24

    New Luna Scapes by the weekend.

  3. “there is evidence that some Democrats have leaked classified material — both inadvertently and intentionally”
    Sounds like a bunch of horse feathers; if you’re not smart enough to know it’s classified, how the hell did you get a classified clearance?

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