Intel Community Says They Discovered Prior Chinese Spy Balloon Operations, Only After President Trump Left Office – IOTW Report

Intel Community Says They Discovered Prior Chinese Spy Balloon Operations, Only After President Trump Left Office

CTH: This is so stunningly incredulous, and transparently politically orchestrated, it’s laughable.

The U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) defended the actions of the Biden administration last Saturday by saying three Chinese spy balloons had previously been deployed during the Trump administration.  However, President Trump and all national security heads including Mike Pompeo (CIA), Richard Grenell and John Ratcliffe (DNI) denied ever hearing about these balloons.

To reconcile the claim of historic Chinese spy balloon operations, against the denials and absence of briefings for the Trump IC officials, the current Intel Community (and Biden Administration) are now claiming they only discovered the prior balloon flights *AFTER* President Trump left office.

Oh, and due to national security issues, the IC cannot explain how they found out after the fact.

Yes Alice, that’s their story, and they’re sticking to it. MORE

17 Comments on Intel Community Says They Discovered Prior Chinese Spy Balloon Operations, Only After President Trump Left Office

  1. That don’t make sense #1. Just how in the world did they “discover” it AFTER Trump left office?

    Dumb A$$ chinese, secret stuff on nuke sites and command bunkers were in the 3rd box on the bottom to the rights of the Corvette. Ya just had to move the empty box of Jills research material on her thesis.

  2. Wow, a government entity that is full of more crap than Brandon’s adult briefs, XXXX-strength!
    Shut down the IC and all of its entities. Open the books and let us see what has been going on.
    Hell, China has all of this information now. Let us see it too!

  3. IF there were spy balloons during the Trump admin & certain people decided not to alert the president, then they’re admitting to treason by allowing another country to conduct reconnaissance of US land

    biteme et al. should be labeled as terrorists/traitors and hung in the public square

  4. Bull shit, Rep. Mike Waltz said on FOX that Mattis told him about the balloons at the time they were over our country and then proceeded to tell him he did not alert Trump because Trump was irrational. That’s treason.

  5. – – There Were No Chinese Balloons During the Trump Era – –
    Let’s face it, if there had been any Chinese balloons flying over the country back when Trump was in office, the ballyhoo that the MSM would have worked up about it would have been relentless 24/7 for every day he was in office!! We’d have never heard the end of it!
    We heard Zip, Zero, Nada!
    – – There Were No Chinese Balloons During the Trump Era – –

  6. With all the malfeasance and incompetence this cabal is displaying, Webster’s is going to need to coin a few new words. If nothing else, at least redefine those (2) words.

  7. Aw bless your heart. But reported that at least 3 Chinese balloons passed over the US during his term. Golfing 365/24/7 was he most important agenda 2nd was trash talken. His track record, zero for believability. Just like UFO’s they were out there.

  8. ^^^^^ They totally screwed up their cover up and now have exposed their intel people as a bunch of Chicom agents and simultaneously exposed treasonous acts by other cabal members. These people are fucking stupid. This smells like the work of that retard Anthony Bliken.


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