Intellectual Froglegs: Cocktails with Communists – IOTW Report

Intellectual Froglegs: Cocktails with Communists

Intellectual Froglegs:
[…] Today we face a warfare like no other in history— a digital world war.  Propaganda has never been easier to disseminate and truth never easier to censor and control.  They’ve managed to brainwash millions of citizens.

And while many are claiming to be “woke”—- the vast majority of Americans are AWAKE. And now we fight.

4 Comments on Intellectual Froglegs: Cocktails with Communists

  1. By coincidence I saw this last night. Joe Dan still does a good job. Back when Trump was in office Joe Dan was a bit funnier. We are just not in very funny times right now. That’s not to say there is no humor in this, it’s just the times we are in. His bbq is coming up, if I didn’t have to go through the bullshit of flying I would love to go there.


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