Intellectual Froglegs: You can’t reason with Crazy – IOTW Report

Intellectual Froglegs: You can’t reason with Crazy

Watch the latest episode here!

Joe Dan: Many people have accurately pointed it out that the traditional media IS the Democratic Party — and the Democratic Party IS the traditional media. They’re inseparable, and it’s undeniable.

It’s ALSO undeniable that they are SO consumed by hate— they will set their grandmother on fire to beat Trump.

Democrat Zombie-Land has become so annoying and shrill— they’re no more than an ill-behaved child throwing a tantrum in the corner of the room while the adults are trying to enjoy dinner.

They scream like lunatics. Everything pushes them the Maximum Anger.

And we, the American people are sick of this childish bul…. ahem, nonsense…. the accusations are now so preposterous, many trump supporters, like myself, have stopped wasting our time defending President Trump to these lunatics.

You can’t reason with Crazy.

I hope you enjoy the new episode. And thank you for supporting independent media. God bless.

h/t Anymouse.

16 Comments on Intellectual Froglegs: You can’t reason with Crazy

  1. Joe Dan has been having trouble with his website all weekend. Keep checking back.

    Got this email late last night:

    “Intellectual frog was hit by malware today. The site is back up… But is still undergoing necessary maintenance.

    We pay GoDaddy for protection against these third party attacks. I’m thinking we should get a refund.

    The new show will be posted ASAP.

    Please accept my apology for the delay in the episode Thank you for your patience and support.

    God bless…


  2. “…It’s ALSO undeniable that they are SO consumed by hate— they will set their grandmother on fire to beat Trump…”

    Never forget that when progressive liberals accuse conservatives of something awful, they are merely projecting their own beliefs and actions onto us. It’s a maddening tactic – something akin to “I know you are but what am I?” Didn’t that piss you off as a kid when some little shit said that to you?

    Anyway, I say that because “setting Grandma on fire” reminded me of the DNC medicare commercial where “Paul Ryan” pushed poor Grandma off the cliff.

  3. No problem in Canada(besides tru cough cough trudeau).I was just loading A requiem for a heavy weight and saw Joe Dans latest was on. The movie can wait.Good day. I even got a new job ooh yea!

  4. From here going forward, Claudia on IOTW, should be the one to post-scoop those videos, was she not the one who went to the cookout??

    I gave up on Dan way back after he trashed M Levin during the primary. I even bought merch from Dan prior to that.

    I know, such derision and diversion.

    Huron – right on.


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