Intelligence Analysts downplayed Chinese Election Influence to Avoid Supporting Trump Policies, Inspector Finds – IOTW Report

Intelligence Analysts downplayed Chinese Election Influence to Avoid Supporting Trump Policies, Inspector Finds

More seditious sabotage and subterfuge.

16 Comments on Intelligence Analysts downplayed Chinese Election Influence to Avoid Supporting Trump Policies, Inspector Finds

  1. If Trump’s policies would have allowed them to keep the payoffs coming in they wouldn’t have had a problem with Trump. But the fact that he was making inroads in cleaning things up meant he had to go. So, fuck the US, and no help for the Trumpster.

  2. Scientishes did the same thing to avoid giving credence to Trump’s covid policies.

    Judges did the same thing to avoid giving credence to Trump’s election fraud assertions.

    I could go on and on listing specifics, but in a nutshell, everyone in established authority has whored themselves out to lies to avoid giving credence to the truth, because Trump uttered it.

  3. Look, this is where we are.

    We have to get OUT. Start the talks about secession: come up with ideas about how to transfer people’s credentials, banking, property, etc.

    If we don’t leave, we’ll be absorbed into hell.

  4. Anonymous, are you talking about courts and legal action? Seriously? Where have you been for the past two months? There’s no law-talking our way out of this. Find your place, get your goods, defend what’s yours, ride it out is the only option. Avoid crowds and watch it burn from a distance if you can. That is where we will be sooner rather than later. There is no reasoning with angry, ignorant crazy people.

  5. Well Anon, I’m starting to see some organization on that front in two states. In the beginning stages, so who knows where it will go. At least on my state level we have some good men who are introducing legislation to stop local and state governments from shutting our businesses down and forcing masks on us. I guess we’re about to find out who the traitors are in our state.
    Also legislation to make us a gun sanctuary state.

  6. @Thirdtwin

    You nailed it. They all whored themselves. Yesterday it was Lindsey Graham and Mike Pence-il Neck. Today it’s DeVos and Turtleneck’s wife.

    What a bunch of damned low-lifes. Ted Cruz remained loyal, even after the verbal drubbing Trump gave him back in 2016. Despite that, he was loyal to the US and its constitution and faught for it and the constitution and Trump on the Senate floor yesterday.

  7. It appears nothing in our country is free of corruption. The voter fraud was obvious yet the majority didn’t care — they wanted their kickbacks or were being blackmailed. Unless something is done — that is if anything can be done — we’ll never have an honest election again.
    It certainly appears we need to leave. I suspect the U.S. will become much worse than other socialist countries.

  8. There are heaps of human garbage in DC. Imagine downplaying influence from a foreign tyranny just to get rid of a president they don’t like.

    This is 180 degrees from what they tried to do to Trump for 4 years with the Russian deal.

  9. “The analysts appeared reluctant to have their analysis on China brought forward because they tend to disagree with the administration’s policies, saying in effect, I don’t want our intelligence used to support those policies,” Zulauf concluded, saying this behavior violated analytic standards requiring independence from political considerations.”

    So are any of these unprofessional a$$wipes losing their jobs? Of course not – nobody loses their job when they’re on the correct side of the SWAMP!

  10. Didn’t trump do a thing where it was easier to fire assholes like that?
    He should really walk into every other office and yell, All of you. Get the fuck out! lol. Who cares what office it is.

  11. Flip – Destroy the entire nation just to “get even” with one man.

    It is not about one man. They are attacking the principles that President Trump stands for. To think that it is only about one man implies that it will stop when he is out of office. It won’t. It is only just beginning. What we are witnesing is a Cultural Revolution to brainwash the younger generation. As has been noted many times in the past, Trump is simply a barrier between them and us!

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